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What is the use of JSF Mcq?

What is the use of JSF Mcq?

1) What is JSF (JavaServer Faces)? It is a server-side component-based user interface framework. It is used to develop web applications. It provides a well-defined programming model and consists of rich API and tag libraries. The latest version JSF 2 uses Facelets as its default templating system.

What is the full form of JSF?

Jakarta Server Faces (JSF; formerly JavaServer Faces) is a Java specification for building component-based user interfaces for web applications and was formalized as a standard through the Java Community Process being part of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition.

What do you mean by bytecode in Java Mcq?

Answer: (a) Bytecode is executed by the JVM. It is a highly developed set of instructions that are designed to be executed by the Java runtime system known as Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The Java programs executed by the JVM that makes the code portable and secure.

Which is not a JSP directive Mcq?

export is not a directive in JSP.

Which is a JSP directive?

Directives are elements that relay messages to the JSP container and affect how it compiles the JSP page. The directives themselves do not appear in the XML output. There are three directives: include, page, and taglib.

What is the full form of JSTL?

The Java Standard Tag Library (JSTL; formerly JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library) is a component of the Java EE Web application development platform. JSTL was developed under the Java Community Process (JCP) as Java Specification Request (JSR) 52.

What is the use of JSTL?

The JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL) is a collection of useful JSP tags which encapsulates the core functionality common to many JSP applications. JSTL has support for common, structural tasks such as iteration and conditionals, tags for manipulating XML documents, internationalization tags, and SQL tags.

Is PHP better than JSP?

JSP: JSP stands for Java Server Pages, JSP is a server-side technology that makes a difference in making an energetic web application….Features of PHP:

Common to JSPs since they are changed over to Java classes. Way less characteristic than JSP.

What is the use of Taglib in JSP?

JSP taglib directive is used to define the tag library with “taglib” as the prefix, which we can use in JSP. It uses a set of custom tags, identifies the location of the library and provides means of identifying custom tags in JSP page.

What is Scriptlet tag in JSP?

Scriptlet tag allows to write Java code into JSP file. For each request of the client, service method of the JSP gets invoked hence the code inside the Scriptlet executes for every request. A Scriptlet contains java code that is executed every time JSP is invoked..

What is the syntax of JSP?

A JSP comment. Ignored by the JSP engine….JSP Actions.

S.No. Syntax & Purpose
1 jsp:include Includes a file at the time the page is requested.
2 jsp:useBean Finds or instantiates a JavaBean.
3 jsp:setProperty Sets the property of a JavaBean.
4 jsp:getProperty Inserts the property of a JavaBean into the output.

What is JSP explain with an example?

JavaServer Page (JSP) is Java’s answer to the popular Microsoft’s Active Server Pages (ASP). JSP, like ASP, provides a simplified and fast mean to generate dynamic web contents. It allows you to mix static HTML with dynamically generated HTML – in the way that the business logic and the presentation are well separated.

Which JSP tag is used to give declaration?

jsp scriptlet tag

What are JSP elements?

There are three types of JSP elements you can use: directive, action, and scripting.

Which one is declaration tag?

Declaration tag is one of the scripting elements in JSP. This Tag is used for declare the variables. Along with this, Declaration Tag can also declare method and classes. JSP container keeps this code outside of the service method (_JSPService()) to make them class level variables and methods.

What are the advantages of JSP?

Advantages of JSP

  • The advantage of JSP is that the programming language used is JAVA, which is a dynamic language and easily portable to other operating systems.
  • It is very much convenient to modify the regular HTML.
  • It is only intended for simple inclusions which can use form data and make connections.

What is JSP and its life cycle?

A JSP life cycle is defined as the process from its creation till the destruction. This is similar to a servlet life cycle with an additional step which is required to compile a JSP into servlet.

What is JSP advantages and disadvantages?

As JSP output is HTML, it is not rich in features. It is very hard to debug or trace errors because JSP pages are first translated into servlets before the compilation process. Database connectivity is not easy. JSP pages require more disk space and time to hold JSP pages as they are compiled on the server.

What is difference between Servlet and JSP?

Servlets are faster as compared to JSP, as they have a short response time. JSP is slower than Servlets, as the first step in the JSP lifecycle is the conversion of JSP to Java code and then the compilation of the code. Servlets are Java-based codes. JSP are HTML-based codes.

Why do we need servlets and JSP?

Servlets are mainly used to extend the applications hosted by webs servers, however, they can respond to other types of requests too. For such applications, HTTP-specific servlet classes are defined by Java Servlet technology. A JSP is a text document which contains two types of text: static data and dynamic data.