Users questions

What is the synonym of noble?

What is the synonym of noble?

SYNONYMS. magnificent, splendid, grand, stately, imposing, dignified, distinguished, proud, striking, impressive, majestic, glorious, marvellous, awe-inspiring, awesome, monumental, palatial, statuesque, heroic. regal, royal, kingly, queenly, princely, imperial.

Can you be loyal but not honest?

The key distinction of Honesty vs. Loyalty may be found from the conduct of human beings displaying those features. A Loyal or a Faithful person will continue to be dedicated or faithful and could no longer betray the module of his/her loyalty. An honest person will no longer lie, deceive, or hoax.

What does faithful mean in the Bible?

Faithfulness comes from a place of trust and loyalty. Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is a confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” As a Christian, it is important to be faithful to God. Faithfulness requires us to submit our ways to God.

Who was loyal to Jesus?

John the Apostle

What is loyalty in church?

Another word for loyalty is faithfulness. It can be defined as an ability to remain committed to a cause, person or persons no matter what happens. A local church can only thrive when it is blessed with faithful members whose aim is to serve and project the ministry work God has called them to do alongside the pastor.

What does the Bible say about loyal friends?

“Beloved, you do faithfully whatever you do for the friends, even though they are strangers to you.” The Message: Jesus calls us all to welcome strangers and treat them as friends. “We know love by this, that he laid down his life for us—and we ought to lay down our lives for one another.”

What does loyalty to God mean?

So for the Christian, being loyal to Yahweh now means being loyal to the one God as revealed in Jesus and in the Spirit. For the Christian, loving the Lord your God means being loyal to the Trinity against other conceptions of God, even monotheistic ones.

What is the evidence of loyalty?

EVIDENCE OF LOYALTY Respect for nation and national symbols. Strong spirit to serve and defend our nation. Good representation of our nation. Standby even when things are tough. Rendering assistance and making personal sacrifice.

How do you show someone loyalty?

Loyalty is the ability to put others before yourself and stick with them in good times and bad. Show loyalty to friends, family, and significant others by being honest, trustworthy, supportive, and generous. Maintain healthy boundaries with those around you so you can be loyal to them in a productive way.

How do you prove to someone you want them?

6 Ways To Show Someone You Love

  1. Spend Quality Time with Them. I think we get the idea of time and quality time confused.
  2. Do Something You Know They Love Even if You’re Not a Fan.
  3. Express your Feelings to Them Using Their Love Language.
  4. Take a Walk Together.
  5. Small Moments of Affection.
  6. Simple but Meaningful Gifts.