Users questions

What is the special name given to the 17th group?

What is the special name given to the 17th group?


What is the name of Group 2 on the periodic table?

alkaline earth metals

What are the two main types of metals?

Metals can be divided into two main groups: ferrous metals are those which contain iron and non-ferrous metals that are those which contain no iron.

  • Ferrous Metals. Pure Iron is of little use as an engineering material because it is too soft and ductile.
  • Copper.
  • Brass.
  • Tin.
  • Lead.
  • Bronze.
  • Zinc.

How can metals be classified?

The elements can be classified as metals, nonmetals, or metalloids. Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity, and are malleable (they can be hammered into sheets) and ductile (they can be drawn into wire). When elements combine to form compounds, there are two major types of bonding that can result.

What are the 10 uses of metals?

10 uses of metals in daily life

  • Gold, Platinum and silver are used as jewelleries and ornaments.
  • Iron and steel are used for construction purpose.
  • Aluminium, steel are used as utensils.
  • Mercury is used in thermometer and helps to check the temperature.
  • Aluminium are used as insulation wires.

What is difference between metals and nonmetals?

Non-metals are bad conductors of heat and electricity. Except for graphite which is a good conduction of electricity. Metals are lustrous and can be polished. Metals are solids at room temperature….02 Acid, Bases and Salt.

Metals Non-Metals
Metals form basic oxides. Non-metals form acidic oxides or neutral oxides

What is ductile example?

Ductility is the physical property of a material associated with the ability to be hammered thin or stretched into wire without breaking. Examples: Most metals are good examples of ductile materials, including gold, silver, copper, erbium, terbium, and samarium.

What is the opposite word of ductile?

ductile. Antonyms: inelastic, inflexible, tough, obdurate, resolute, firm, obstinate. Synonyms: malleable, extensible, tractile, extensile, tractable, docile, irresolute.

Is brittle the opposite of ductile?

THE MEANING OF BRITTLE AND IMPACT RESISTANCE Metals that break without significant plastic deformation are said to be brittle. In this sense brittle is the opposite of ductile or malleable.