Users questions

What is the shape of AlH3?

What is the shape of AlH3?

The molecular shape is trigonal pyramidal. The VSEPR shape for AlH3 is AX3 (3 bonds) and trigonal planar.

What structure will AlH3 have?

The crystal structure of α-alane has been determined and features aluminium atoms surrounded by 6 hydrogen atoms that bridge to 6 other aluminium atoms. The Al-H distances are all equivalent (172pm) and the Al-H-Al angle is 141°.

How many valence electrons does AlH3 have?


What type of bond is AlH3?

The hydride contains a significant covalent bond charge for both Al–Al and Al–H. In contrast, Al2O3 has large negative BOPs for Al–Al, resulting in a negative total BOP of −0.2 per Al atom. This result implies that an alternative mechanism, namely an ionic bonding mechanism, is dominant for Al2O3.

What is the name for AlH3?

Aluminum hydride

Is Aluminium hydride ionic?

Lithium aluminium hydride is referred to by chemists as lithal and commonly abbreviated to LAH. It’s more complicated IUPAC name is lithium tetrahydridoaluminate(III). It is a simple ionic molecule which is an extremely versatile and powerful reducing agent.

Is AlH3 a Lewis acid or base?

An example of a Lewis acid is AlH3 (aluminum hydride). Notice how the central aluminum atom doesn’t have its octet satisfied, which means it has a tendency of stripping a lone pair off of another species, rendering it a Lewis acid (electron recipient/taker).

What is oh3?

Aluminium hydroxide, Al(OH)3, is found in nature as the mineral gibbsite (also known as hydrargillite) and its three much rarer polymorphs: bayerite, doyleite, and nordstrandite. Closely related are aluminium oxide hydroxide, AlO(OH), and aluminium oxide or alumina (Al2O3), the latter of which is also amphoteric.

What is the formula of aluminum hydroxide?


What is the chemical name for Co₃p₂?

Cobalt(II) Phosphide (Co3P2) Chemical Data.

What is s3 chemistry?

The S. 3. molecule, known as trisulfur, sulfur trimer, thiozone, or triatomic sulfur, is a cherry-red allotrope of sulfur. It comprises about 10% of vaporised sulfur at 713 K (440 °C; 824 °F) and 1,333 Pa (10.00 mmHg; 0.1933 psi). It has been observed at cryogenic temperatures as a solid.