Users questions

What is the scariest tree?

What is the scariest tree?

The Six Scariest Looking Trees in the World

  • 1) Montreal’s stooping apple tree.
  • 2) Angkor Wat’s strangler figs.
  • 3) Alberta’s Burmis Tree.
  • 4) The screaming face in Hither Hills.
  • 5) Mount Auburn Cemetery’s twisted cross.
  • 6) Ontario’s terrifying timber.
  • Don’t Let One of Your Trees Become Number Seven.

What causes tree branches to droop?

Causes of drooping branches include heavy growth, weak crotches, snow or ice storm damage and large fruit yields. Pruning and bracing are both effective methods for correcting drooping tree branches.

Why do tree branches turn black?

Answer: This is a minor fungus that grows on the syrupy excretions of some insects that feed on trees. The fungus does little physical damage to the tree unless it is so severe that leaves coated with sooty mold cannot photosynthesize and create food for the tree.

How do you get rid of fallen tree branches?

How to get rid of tree branches? A popular way to handle leftover tree branches is to run them through a wood chipper. Once the branches are broken down, the wood chips can be spread around gardens and plants as a homemade, moisturizing mulch.

What do I do with fallen branches?

Here are 50 ideas.

  1. Create stools for your dining room table.
  2. Create a garment rack using a branch.
  3. Build a garden arbor.
  4. Build a coffee table.
  5. Build a floor lamp.
  6. Use branches and twigs to create a curtain rod and brackets.
  7. Make candles from branches.
  8. Make rolling side tables from tree stumps.

Can you put tree branches in recycle bin?

Many communities now offer regular curbside recycling services for tree trimmings and other types of yard waste. Some places allow you to put all your tree trimmings in that bin, although most have size restrictions. Other towns want only the leaves and the smallest branches in the bin.

What is classed as green waste?

Green waste, also known as “biological waste,” is any organic waste that can be composted. It is most usually composed of refuse from gardens such as grass clippings or leaves, and domestic or industrial kitchen wastes. Green waste does not include things such as dried leaves, pine straw, or hay.

Can I put rocks in green bin?

Things you CANNOT put in a green bin This includes the likes of building timber, paper, cardboard, rocks, pebbles, and stones. Other prohibited items include household rubbish, glass, asbestos, carpet, tires, rubber, concrete etc.

What are black bins for?

Your black bin is for waste which cannot be recycled (red lid bin) or composted (green lid bin) in your other bins.

What are green bins for?

A green bin is a large, movable, rigid plastic or metal container that contains biodegradable waste or compostable materials as a means to divert waste from landfills. The program’s purpose is to reduce the amount of waste shipped to landfills by recycling biodegradable waste into compost.

What goes in green and black bins?

anything other than correct food and garden waste items in your brown bin….We colour-code bins to help you remember what to put in them:

  • green – recycling.
  • brown – food and garden waste.
  • black – all other rubbish.

Can I put polystyrene in my black bin?

Polystyrene is a type of plastic which is not commonly recycled. Expanded polystyrene should be placed in the waste bin. Polystyrene is also sometimes used for other food packaging like multi-pack yoghurts. Some local authorities accept it in recycling collections although it is unlikely to actually be recycled.

Can I put grass cuttings in my black bin?

No, the green bins are only for garden waste such as leaves, twigs, grass cuttings and dead flowers. Alternatively you can recycle your food waste by placing it in your black bin – the food waste will be extracted using the Ball Mill and sent for composting.

Do you have to use black bin bags?

The reason black bags were compulsory is that bin men did not want carry inferior/leaky/non-standard bags, I think. If you don’t make black bags compulsory people will use surplus shopping bags with holes in them that leak fluid.

Can I put paint tins in my black bin?

Just as you can’t pour paint away, you can’t just stick old paint cans in the bin either. Once the paint is hard, you can take it to your local household waste and recycling centre to be disposed of appropriately.

Can you pour paint down the sink?

Paint will coat the insides of your pipes, shrinking them down and causing materials to build up and clog your drains. Do not throw the paint cans away or pour them into a city or storm drain either- they can easily leak or leech into the water supply or contaminate the ground.

What can I do with unwanted paint?

California residents and businesses can now recycle leftover paint for free at local retail stores. For locations and program details, visit or call

Can I put polystyrene in my GREY bin?

You can put the following items your grey bin….

Waste item Accepted by Household waste recycling centres?
Polystyrene No
Carrier bags Yes
Margarine tubs, yoghurt pots or plastic trays Yes

Can plastic bags go in GREY bin?

plastic bags, food wrapping and film. pouches (baby and pet food) textiles (please take these to your nearest recycling centre or textile bank) toothpaste tubes.

What are GREY wheelie bins for?

Your coloured household wheeled bins take different kinds of waste. your blue bin is for recyclable waste. your brown bin is for garden waste. your green or grey bin is for non-recyclable and food waste.

What are the GREY bins for?

Grey domestic bins Your grey bin is for non-recyclable waste, referring to any items that you can’t put into your brown bin. Items which should be put into your grey bin are: food scraps* nappies.

What goes into general waste bins?

Your general waste bin is for any waste that you cannot put into your recycling, organic* or glass* bins.

What are the different Coloured bins for?

Segregated wastes are now dumped in the particular dustbins of Green, Blue, Yellow colour.

  • The Green-coloured dustbins are meant for wet and bioderadable wastes.
  • Blue dustbins are meant for disposal of plastic wrappers and non-bioderadable wastes.
  • Yellow dustbins are meant for papers and glass bottles.

What goes in the GREY box?

The Grey Box is used to collect paper products, cardboard and plastic bags….DO NOT put these in your Grey Box:

  • Crinkly plastic film, pet-food bags and bubble wrap.
  • Greasy pizza boxes (these go in your green bin)
  • Meat packaging.
  • Gift wrap.
  • Cereal/cracker liners.
  • Zipper-style plastic bags.

What is the GREY box?

Grey Box Testing or Gray box testing is a software testing technique to test a software product or application with partial knowledge of internal structure of the application. Gray Box Testing is a software testing method, which is a combination of both White Box Testing and Black Box Testing method.

Do milk cartons go in paper or plastic?

Cartons are made primarily of paper but also have a thin layer of polyethylene, or plastic. Shelf-stable cartons contain a layer of aluminum. As such, milk cartons should be recycled with plastic, metal, and glass containers.

What are the GREY boxes on the side of the road?

These consist of inductive loops in the road (wires cut into the surface, similar to those at traffic signals) and an electrical cabinet to house the equipment. These cabinets are just smaller versions of the sort that might contain traffic signal controllers or telecoms equipment next to a road.

Can you put milk cartons in compost?

Many items that cannot be recycled can be composted. This includes soiled paper and cardboard, such as pizza boxes and wet paper plates, and waxed cardboard like to-go coffee cups and milk cartons. This prevents excess chemicals, such as inks, from getting into your compost.

Can milk cartons be recycled with paper?

Cartons are recyclable. Made from mostly paper, cartons are in high demand to be made into new products.