Users questions

What is the Pacific group?

What is the Pacific group?

The Pacific Group is a full service investment advisory firm for new investors and experienced investors alike. No matter if you’re new to investing or a seasoned pro, we are able to provide a wide range of innovative investment strategies and wealth management services that are made specifically for you.

Where was the first AA meeting held?

Akron, Ohio

Who was aa number 4?

Ernie Galbraith

Is AA based on Christianity?

AA is Based on Religion Founders of AA were members of a fundamentalist Protestant Christian movement, the Oxford Group. Its members “practiced absolute surrender, guidance by the Holy Spirit, sharing in fellowship, life changing faith, and prayer. In fact, AA emerged directly out of the Oxford Group.

What are the Al-Anon slogans?

The Al-Anon Slogans

  • How Important Is It? “It’s not important for me to comment on everything I hear.
  • Easy Does It. ““Easy Does It” suggests not only that I learn to slow down, but also that I learn to lighten up.
  • Keep an Open Mind.
  • Think.
  • Progress Not Perfection.
  • Keep Coming Back.
  • But for the Grace of God.
  • One Day at a Time.

What is the Al-Anon prayer?

God, grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.

What is the AA saying?

To accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.

What do you say to someone in recovery?

8 Things to Say to Someone in Recovery

  1. I Love You.
  2. You’re Not Alone.
  3. Everyone Needs Help Sometimes.
  4. How Are You Feeling?
  5. How Can I Help?
  6. Let’s Hang Out.
  7. I’m Proud of You.
  8. I Know You Are Struggling, But There’s Always Hope.

What do you get someone for a sobriety anniversary?

Below, we’re reviewing ideas for thoughtful gifts to celebrate sobriety. Read on to learn more!…Read on to learn more!

  • A Journal or Diary.
  • A Fun-Filled Getaway.
  • Books.
  • Inspiring Jewelry.
  • Picture Collage.
  • New Clothes.
  • Artwork.
  • Housewares.

How do you celebrate sober for 5 years?

Various Ways to Celebrate Your Sobriety Birthday

  1. Reflect & Look Back. Getting sober is something you should be proud of.
  2. Have a “Me” Day.
  3. Thank Your Loved Ones.
  4. Get Together with Friends & Family.
  5. Plan a Fun Activity.
  6. Share Your Story.
  7. Do Something New.
  8. Become A Mentor or Sponsor.