Users questions

What is the opposite of frustration?

What is the opposite of frustration?

frustration. Antonyms: achievement, advantage, conquest, mastery, success, supremacy, triumph, victory. Synonyms: defeat, destruction, disappointment, disaster, failure, miscarriage, overthrow, retreat, rout.

What is the opposite of acquisition?

The appropriate antonym for acquisition in the business world is divestiture or divestment.

What’s the opposite of a merger?

Demerger: noun; the opposite of merger.

What does demerger mean?


What is the synonym of merge?

Some common synonyms of merge are amalgamate, blend, coalesce, commingle, fuse, mingle, and mix.

What is the opposite of regular?

unconstipated, regular(adj) not constipated. Antonyms: crooked, infrequent, asymmetric, unusual, strong, untypical, nonstandard, abnormal, occasional, unsteady, randomized, unscheduled, atypical, unconventional, asymmetrical, improper, irregular, randomised, casual, parttime, part-time, unnatural, unlawful.

What is the opposite word of honest?

Opposite Word of honest: “deceptive, devious, dishonest, false, fraudulent, lying, misleading, treacherous, untrustworthy, untruthful”

What is synonym of regularly?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for regularly. commonly, habitually, ordinarily, routinely.

Is Unnormal a word?

The word “unnormal” doesn’t exist in any dictionary. The correct form of this word is “Abnormal” which means not in normal condition.

What is the root word of regularly?

The adverb regularly is most often used to mean “routinely,” but it can also mean “without variety or in the same way.” So you might say, “The houses in my neighborhood are regularly spaced along the blocks.” The earliest meaning, dating from the 1560s, was “in accordance with rules,” from the Latin root regula, “rule. …

What is the adjective of regularly?

regular. adjective. /ˈrɛɡyələr/ following pattern. following a pattern, especially with the same time and space in between each thing and the next regular breathing a regular pulse/heartbeat A light flashed at regular intervals.

What type of adverb is regularly?

regularly adverb (OFTEN)

What is the verb form of regular?

Verb Form Explanation Example
Past Participle Add -ed to form the past participle. She has played.
It has played.
They have played.
Present Participle Add -ing to make the present participle. He is playing.

What’s the meaning of regularly?

in a regular manner

What is a extraordinary?

1a : going beyond what is usual, regular, or customary extraordinary powers. b : exceptional to a very marked extent extraordinary beauty. c of a financial transaction : nonrecurring. 2 : employed for or sent on a special function or service an ambassador extraordinary.

What is another term for Apoptosis?

Synonyms. caspase-mediated cell death cell death programmed cell death necrobiosis.

Which is an example of command-and-control regulation?

Command-and-control approach and environment standards It is a mandated level of performance enforced through a piece of legislation. A few examples are the limits set on the volume of timber that could be harvested, bans on the cutting of trees, and maximum levels legally allowed for pollution emissions.