What is the opposite of ambition?

What is the opposite of ambition?

ambition. Antonyms: indifference, inappetency, contentment, moderation. Synonyms: aspiration, emulation, appetition.

What is a antonym for ambitious?

ambitious(a) Antonyms: unambitious, indifferent. Synonyms: aspiring, emulous, desirous, showy, pretentious, ostentatious.

What is the opposite of striving?

What is the opposite of striving?

indolence laziness
inaction inertia
inertness shirking
torpor languidness
languor passivity

What is another word for strive?

Some common synonyms of strive are attempt, endeavor, essay, and try.

What can I do to strive for life?

Seven Things to Strive For

  • 1) Good friendships and strong family connections.
  • 2) Healthy body.
  • 3) Positive Mind.
  • 4) Gratitude.
  • 5) Sense of purpose.
  • 6) Perspective.
  • 7) Integrity.

How can I change my life immediately?

I’m going to share seven ways to produce stunning change in your life immediately.

  1. Wake up 30 minutes earlier than you usually do.
  2. If you can, meditate or nap during the day.
  3. Remove the distractions to your goals.
  4. Tackle big tasks one baby step at a time.
  5. Think about death more often.
  6. Choose better words.

What are the first steps to changing your life?

Here are the steps you take to get started:

  1. Stop Making Excuses. Excuses are what hold you back, and they are almost always the only thing between you and your goal.
  2. Set Goals.
  3. Create A Routine.
  4. Hold Yourself Accountable.
  5. Track Your Progress.
  6. Failure Is Integral To Success.
  7. Exercise.

How can I change my life to be happy?

How to Change Your Life From Disappointment to Happiness With 10 Simple Steps

  1. Go into life with less expectation and more exploration.
  2. Learn to trust yourself to handle any situation.
  3. Don’t relive moments in the past and kick yourself over how you handled them.
  4. Treat yourself as though you were someone else.

Should I move if unhappy?

If you’re unhappy with your city, move. A little risk and uncertainty can go a long long way. If you’re only staying because you feel it’s secured and because you’re already living there for a long while now that it is “home” or that it is “convenient” – well, you might want to re-think your decisions.

What can you give up to have such happiness forever?

15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy

  • Give up your need to always be right.
  • Give up your need for control.
  • Give up on blame.
  • Give up your self-defeating self-talk.
  • Give up your limiting beliefs about what you can or cannot do, about what is possible or impossible.
  • Give up complaining.
  • Give up the luxury of criticism.
  • Give up your need to impress others.

How do you say thank you to someone who changed your life?

You have walked with me through some of the most turbulent times in my life and for that, I am eternally grateful and I will always do the same for you. Thank you for always telling me the truth. Without you calling me out on the stupid things I do, I don’t know where I would be today.

What do you say to someone that changed your life?

25 Grateful Things to Say to Someone Who Changed Your Life

  • You changed my life, thank you.
  • A magic trick made to my heart.
  • Together you’re stronger.
  • Love can change your life.
  • You changed my life, even if you don’t know.
  • No way back.
  • So far, so near.
  • Without you, it’s not the same.

How you have changed my life quotes?

You Changed My Life Quotes

  • “Loving God changed me, loving you changed my life.”
  • “You changed my life from the moment I first saw you.”
  • “You helped me stay strong, you changed my life so long.”
  • “My six word love story : You changed my life.
  • “One in a lifetime you meet someone who changes everything.”