What is the name of the blind prophet?

What is the name of the blind prophet?

In Greek mythology, Tiresias (/taɪˈriːsiəs/; Greek: Τειρεσίας, Teiresias) was a blind prophet of Apollo in Thebes, famous for clairvoyance and for being transformed into a woman for seven years.

Who was the blind prophet in Odyssey?


What is Tiresias’s prophecy?

In The Odyssey Odysseus is warned by the blind prophet Tiresias that all of the sacred cattle of the Sun God Helios should be left alone. Tiresias says that the cattle should be avoided at whatever cost, and that if they are not, the men will all meet their doom.

How does Jocasta die?

After Jocasta learns that she married her son and had four children with him, she commits suicide by hanging herself….

What do Odysseus men do while he is sleeping?

What do Odysseus’ shipmates do while he is sleeping? Kill the cows and eat them.

What does Helios threaten to do if Zeus doesn’t punish Odysseus?

Odysseus urges them to pass Thrinacia (island of the sun god). What does Helios threaten to do if Zeus does not punish Odysseus’ men for killing his kine? Helios would go in the underworld meaning all life would die without the sun. How does Zeus punish the men?

Who actually destroys all of Odysseus’s men?

Tiresias instructs Odysseus not to touch the cattle of Helios, but Eurylochus persuades the hungry and mutinous crew to kill and eat some of the god’s cattle. As punishment, Odysseus’ ship is destroyed, and all of his crew, including Eurylochus, are killed in a storm sent by Zeus. Only Odysseus survives.

Who is the daughter of Helios?


Who was Helios married to?

According to most accounts, Helios was married to the Oceanid Perse (or Perseis) with whom he had at least four children: Aeetes and Perses, both kings of Colchis at different times; Pasiphae, the wife of Minos and the mother of the Minotaur; and Circe, the powerful enchantress of Aeaea.

Does Odysseus son die?

When Telegonus arrives on Ithaca, he approaches Odysseus’ house, but the guards do not admit him to see his father; a commotion arises, and Odysseus, thinking it is Telemachus, rushes out and attacks. In the fighting, he is killed by Telegonus.

Who is the strongest Greek monster?
