Users questions

What is the name Dewey short for?

What is the name Dewey short for?

according to behindthename it’s not short for anything. It is an alternate spelling of the welsh name Dewi which is from “Dewydd, an old Welsh form of DAVID. Saint Dewi, the patron saint of Wales, was a 6th-century Welsh bishop.” I went to school with a Dewey, but his real name is Dwayne !

Is Dewey short for Dwayne?

Before he was The Rock, Dwayne Johnson was Dewey Finally, the show follows Johnson to the University of Miami in 1990 where he played college football. In the 1982 scenes, the Johnson family refers to Dwayne as Dewey. Dwayne admitted Dewey was not just short for Dwayne.

Where does the name Dewey come from?

Dewey surname is of Welsh origin; the surname is an Anglified spelling of “Dewi”.

Is Dewey a boy or girl?

Dewey is of Welsh origin, the masculine given name is an Anglified spelling of ‘Dewi’, it is also used as a nickname.

What does Malcolm mean?

Malcolm, Malcom, Máel Coluim, or Maol Choluim is a Scottish Gaelic given name meaning “devotee of Saint Columba”.

What does the name Dewi mean?

little goddess

How is Dewi pronounced?

Pronounce Names

Submitted from: wales
Pronunciation: d eh w ee d eh w ee do pet win see What does this mean?
Upload the Wav/MP3 file Your browser does not support iframes.
Type of Name: First Name
Gender: Male and Female

What does Dafydd mean?


Is Dawid a Welsh name?

David of Wales) and 29 December (for King David), as well as 25 June (St….David (name)

Pronunciation /ˈdeɪvɪd/
Gender Male
Word/name Hebrew
Meaning “Beloved”

What is the most popular Welsh name?

For the boys, Guto was the 196th most popular name in Wales – with all 14 of those registered in the country being born Welsh.