Users questions

What is the means of predominant?

What is the means of predominant?

1 : having superior strength, influence, or authority : prevailing. 2 : being most frequent or common.

What is an example of predominant?

The definition of predominant is the most common or having authority or influence over others. An example of predominant used as an adjective is the phrase predominant species which means the species with the highest population in a particular area. The predominant theory in the field.

What are predominant features?

adjective. /prɪˈdɒmɪnənt/ /prɪˈdɑːmɪnənt/ ​most obvious or easy to notice. a predominant feature.

What is predominant mood?

If something is predominant, it is more important or noticeable than anything else in a set of people or things. adj. Amanda’s predominant emotion was that of confusion. predominantly, predominate, predominance, predominately.

What is a predominant impression?

A dominant impression is a quality, mood, or atmosphere that reinforces the writer’s purpose. It is primarily a feature of narrative and description-based writing. The dominant impression is sometimes called the controlling idea. In this sense, the writer must be consistent.

What is a synonym for tendency?

Frequently Asked Questions About tendency Some common synonyms of tendency are current, drift, tenor, and trend. While all these words mean “movement in a particular direction,” tendency implies an inclination sometimes amounting to an impelling force.

What does tendency mean in science?

tendency. (Science: psychology) A presumptive course of future behaviour in continuation of observed acts and attitudes.

What is another word for embellish?

Some common synonyms of embellish are adorn, beautify, deck, decorate, garnish, and ornament. While all these words mean “to enhance the appearance of something by adding something unessential,” embellish often stresses the adding of superfluous or adventitious ornament.

What is the opposite of embellish?

Antonyms: deface, deform, disfigure, mar, spoil. Synonyms: adorn, beautify, bedeck, deck, decorate, garnish, gild, illustrate, ornament.