Users questions

What is the meaning of Tio?

What is the meaning of Tio?

Tio/Tia” What does it mean and how is it used? While these literally mean “uncle,” and “aunt,” they’re also used informally to generally refer to another person.

Who is Uncle Tio?

El Tío (The Uncle), is believed in Cerro Rico, Potosí, Bolivia to be the “Lord of the Underworld”. There are many statues of this devil-like spirit in the mines of Cerro Rico. El Tío rules over the mines, simultaneously offering protection and destruction.

What does meringue mean?

1 : a dessert topping consisting of a baked mixture of stiffly beaten egg whites and sugar. 2 : a shell made of meringue and filled with fruit or ice cream.

How does meringue taste like?

Meringue may look like it’s made of marshmallow fluff, but it’s actually a sweet foam made from egg whites and sugar.

Why are my meringues chewy?

The sugar in the meringue pulls moisture from the air. Too much moisture means sticky meringues. Linda Jackson and Jennifer Gardner say the trick is to leave the meringues in the oven after baking. If they seem sticky or chewy, Jackson and Gardner suggest baking them for 10 minutes at 200 degrees to restore crispness.

What causes meringue to fall?

This happens when the cooking temperature is too low or the baking time is insufficient. Basically, under-baking means there is too much liquid left in the meringue, which causes the foam to collapse and the excess liquid to seep out.

How do you know if you have over whisked meringue?

The foam bubbles in over-beaten egg whites become too big and cannot maintain their structure. When folded into a batter, the bubbles lose their bond and look lumpy. In the oven they pop and deflate. Over-beaten meringue takes on a coarse and grainy appearance.

How do you fix a fallen meringue?

To revive them, beat 1 egg white until frothy, then gently fold into overbeaten whites until they’re shiny and moist again. 5. Humidity and meringue don’t mix, so add 1 tsp. cornstarch to the sugar on humid days.

What can I use instead of cream of tartar?

The 6 Best Substitutes for Cream of Tartar

  1. Lemon Juice. Share on Pinterest.
  2. White Vinegar. Like cream of tartar, white vinegar is acidic.
  3. Baking Powder. If your recipe contains both baking soda and cream of tartar, you can easily substitute with baking powder instead.
  4. Buttermilk.
  5. Yogurt.
  6. Leave It Out.