Users questions

What is the meaning of repercussions?

What is the meaning of repercussions?

an effect or result, often indirect or remote, of some event or action: The repercussions of the quarrel were widespread. the state of being driven back by a resisting body. a rebounding or recoil of something after impact.

How do you use repercussions?

Repercussions sentence example

  1. There will be repercussions on a much wider scale.
  2. The new law had repercussions on French society.
  3. The repercussions of world events were seen on the stock market price.
  4. The increased cost brought many repercussions for the many young people deterred from going to the university.

What is the other word for consequences?

Consequences Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for consequences?

repercussion consequence
outcome aftermath
ramification aftereffect
corollary fallout
upshot sequel

Is Backlashing a word?

noun. a sudden, forceful backward movement; recoil. a strong or violent reaction, as to some social or political change: a backlash of angry feeling among Southern conservatives within the party.

What is black lash?

blacklash. The righteous indignation and/or verbal uprising of the Black/African American community in response to an egregious violation of disrespect against one or more of its members.

How do you reduce backlash in gears?

The simplest and most common way to reduce backlash in a pair of gears is to shorten the distance between their centers. This moves the gears into a tighter mesh with low or even zero clearance between teeth.

How much does it cost to replace ring and pinion?

$400 for ring and pinion front and rear, another $300 to $400 for master install kits, $400 to $600 for labor.

What does a bad pinion gear sound like?

A “whirring” noise while decelerating at any or all speeds is most likely caused by bad pinion bearings or loose pinion bearing preload. This condition is typically always diagnosed as a bad ring and Pinion gear. Regular “clunking” or loud “clicking” every few feet may indicate a broken ring or pinion gear tooth.

What does a bad differential feel like?

Here are the most common bad differential symptoms to look out for: Your vehicle is quickly going through oil. Difficulty steering. A loud front differential noise, such as the grinding of gears, clunking, or a “howling” sound.

Can you drive with a bad differential?

Technically, you can drive with a bad differential, but it is not wise. The problem may get worse, to the point where it leaves you stranded somewhere. It can also cause damage to other surrounding components. It is smartest and safest not to drive with a bad differential.