Users questions

What is the meaning of preceded by and followed by?

What is the meaning of preceded by and followed by?

‘Preceded by’ means something is going before the subject. ‘Followed by’ means something is following the subject.

Is followed synonym?

Some common synonyms of follow are ensue, succeed, and supervene. While all these words mean “to come after something or someone,” follow may apply to a coming after in time, position, or logical sequence.

Who are followers on Instagram?

An Instagram follower is a user who follows your account and is able to see, like, and comment on any photo you post.

What are followers on Facebook?

Well, Facebook followers are people who have opted-in to “follow” your profile or page, meaning that they will receive your updates in their timeline. The most common way: when people like your page, according to Facebook’s default settings, they become followers as well.

Can you follow someone on Facebook and not be friends?

Facebook Help Team When you add someone as a friend, you automatically follow that person, and they automatically follow you. This means you may see each other’s posts in News Feed. When you follow someone who you’re not friends with, you’ll see posts that they’ve shared publicly in your News Feed.

Can you follow someone without them knowing?

The answer is no. Each time you follow someone, they’ll receive a notification telling that you’ve followed them. There is no way to follow someone on Instagram without them getting a notification if you’re using your main account to do so.

Can you follow someone legally?

The law prohibits a person from “following someone in or about a public place” if done with intent to “harass, annoy or alarm” that person. You can report anyone who follows you to harass, annoy or alarm you.

What does it mean to follow someone?

verb. If you follow someone who is going somewhere, you move along behind them without their knowledge, in order to catch them or find out where they are going. She realized that the Mercedes was following her. [

What is another word for watches?

What is another word for watch?

observe eye
study gaze at
perceive stare at
check clock
glimpse heed

What defines a watch?

Definition of watch (Entry 2 of 2) 1a : the act of keeping awake to guard, protect, or attend. b obsolete : the state of being wakeful. c : a wake over a dead body. d : a state of alert and continuous attention.

What is the opposite of watch?

What is the opposite of watch?

carelessness heedlessness
inattention indifference
irresponsibility neglect
negligence dereliction
thoughtlessness laxity