Users questions

What is the largest bass instrument?

What is the largest bass instrument?

The strings are the largest family of instruments in the orchestra and they come in four sizes: the violin, which is the smallest, viola, cello, and the biggest, the double bass, sometimes called the contrabass.

How many Octobasses are there?

Vuillaume originally built three octobasses, two of which are still around. Including contemporary, playable replicas, there are only seven known examples of the instrument in the world, mostly kept in museums, including one at the Musical Instrument Museum in Phoenix, Arizona.

What is the biggest double bass?

The largest double bass measured 5.55 m (18 ft 2.7 in) tall and 2.13 m (7 ft) wide. It was made by Gigezunft Doppleschwand in Switzerland and completed on 28 October 2006.

Is a cello bigger than a bass?

The cello is significantly larger than the first two and the bass is the largest. The size of the strings also varies in both thickness and length, which plays a role in the instrument’s range of notes. For example, the shorter, thinner strings of the violin and viola allow the instruments to hit higher notes.

Should I play cello or double bass?

The cello, known as an instrument with a tenor voice, has a deeper and richer tone than both the violin and the viola. Due to its extra octave range, the double bass is capable of producing a deeper sound that the cello is just not capable of producing.

Can cello players play bass?

Some cello players try tuning the bass in fifths like a cello – and actually enjoy it – either an octave below the cello (on a 34″ bass) or using the cello pitch (on a shortscale). Tuning a bass guitar in fifths, however, increases string tension and can lead to a higher-than-comfortable action or even a warped neck.

What is the difference between double bass and cello?

The cello and the double bass may look similar from a distance, but they are actually very different. A cello is played while seated on a standard chair. A double bass is played either standing up, or seated on a high stool. Cello bows are typically a smaller version of the French bass bow.

Can you use a cello as a double bass?

My take on it is a ‘cello is no substitute for a bass, and a bass is no substitute for a ‘cello. Each has it’s own contribution. I still have my ‘cello but never found it very satisfying in a bluegrass or old time jam.

Is the upright bass hard to learn?

Is it impossible or too difficult to learn they ask? The answer is absolutely NOT! In fact, in some ways, it is easier to start on the upright than on the electric bass.

Which is harder piano or cello?

The cello is considered harder to learn because of the challenging bowing technique and the fact the cello has no fixed keys to determine pitch. As a fixed-pitch instrument with a keyboard, the piano is easier to learn initially, but later requires complex coordination and musical skills.

How many years does it take to learn cello?

A dedicated student with some prior music background might learn to be pretty darn good in 2-4 years. (Pretty darn-good for a high-school level cellist that is). Then again, one who doesn’t practice and only takes an occasional lesson will likely not be dramatically better after that time period.

Can you learn an instrument in your 20s?

In short: you can learn any instrument at any age if you are motivated, have a good teacher and a bit of patience. In your 20s you typically have more free time which makes it more likely to attain said goal. You can master anything with enough determination, especially if you start with a good teacher.