What is the Iupac name of Ni Co 4?

What is the Iupac name of Ni Co 4?

Nickel tetracarbonyl

PubChem CID 518772
Molecular Formula Ni(CO)4 or C4NiO4
Synonyms Nickel tetracarbonyl Tetracarbonylnickel Nickel carbonyl (Ni(CO)4) Nickel carbonyl (Ni(CO)4), (T-4)- Nickel carbonyle More…
Molecular Weight 170.73 g/mol
Component Compounds CID 935 (Nickel) CID 281 (Carbon monoxide)

What is the oxidation state of Ni Co 4?

+ 2

What is the coordination number of Ni Co 4?


Is Ni Co 4 tetrahedral?

Coordination Compounds [Ni(CO)4 has a tetrahedral geometry whereas [Ni(CN)4]4– has square planar geometry.

What is the electron configuration of nickel in Ni Co 4?

Now the electronic configuration of nickel atom in ground state is 3d8 4s2. But in excited state, the 4s electron of central meal Ni-atom is shitted to 3d-sub shell.

What is the number of unpaired electrons in tetrahedral Ni Co 4 complex?

So the hybridization of Ni(CO)4 will be sp3 its shape is tetrahedral . Moreover we see that there are no unpaired electrons present in Ni(CO)4 , so it is a diamagnetic compound . So the number of unpaired electrons in Ni(CO)4 is zero .

Which complex has square planar structure?

[Cu(NH3)4]2+ is a square planar complex involving dsp2-hybridisation (see text).

Which of the following is low spin complex?

Usually inner orbital complexes (d2sp3) are low-spin (or spin paired) complexes. Fe3+ has a d5 electronic configuration. Thus complexes with weak field ligands (such as halide ions) will have a high spin arrangement with five unpaired electrons.

What is the meaning of low spin complex?

In an octahedral complex, when Δ is large (strong field ligand), the electrons will first fill the lower energy d orbitals before any electrons are placed on the higher energy d orbitals. It is then classified as low spin because there is a minimal amount of unpaired electrons.

Which is the high spin complex?

So [FeF6]3− is a high spin complex.

Is the complex Ni Co 4 a low spin or a high spin complex explain on the basis of VBT?

Answer. Therefore, Ni2+ undergoes sp3 hybridization to make bonds with Cl- ligands in tetrahedral geometry. As there are unpaired electrons in the d-orbitals, NiCl42- is paramagnetic and is referred to as a high spin complex.

Why is NiCl4 2 paramagnetic but Ni Co 4 is diamagnetic?

The presence of CO ligand, which is a strong ligand, can pair all electrons in Ni(CO)4 and thus it is diamagnetic in nature but Cl− is a weak ligand and is unable to pair up the unpaired electrons and thus [NiCl4]2− is paramagnetic in nature.

Which complex is diamagnetic and tetrahedral?

This is a diamagnetic compound, The iron ion in K[FeCl4] (low spin, tetrahedral) has a 3+ oxidation state so it is a d5 ion since the iron atom loses two 4s electrons and one 3d electron. Adding 5 electrons to the tetrahedral d-orbital diagram identifies that one electron will be unpaired.

Which of the following is a diamagnetic complex?

Since CN− is strong field ligand, it will pair up the electrons in d orbital and hence [Fe(CN)6]4− become diamagnetic.

Which of the following is incorrectly matched complex?

Coordination number – 6 i.e. octahedral geometry. Therefore, as we can see the incorrectly matched pair is option (B). hence, the answer.