Users questions

What is the impulse of an egg drop?

What is the impulse of an egg drop?

Impulse is the change in momentum of an object. There are two impulses that your egg design will have to deal with. The first impulse is from the drop itself. Its momentum will increase due to the net force applied to it.

Why does an egg not break when thrown into a sheet?

When an egg is thrown against a brick wall, it has little time to decelerate, so it breaks on contact. However, when an egg is thrown at a hanging sheet, the resistance of the sheet against the air causes deceleration to occur over a longer period of time, preventing the egg from breaking.

Why can’t you throw a raw egg against a wall without breaking it but you can throw it with the same speed on a sagging sheet without breaking it?

If you throw a raw egg against a wall, you’ll break it. With a sheet the force to stop the egg is spread over a greater period of time which means the impulse is much lower on the egg, and does not give enough force to crack it’s shell.

How much pressure does it take to break an egg to end?

Usually, it takes a little more than 5 ½ pounds of force to crack an eggshell — much less than the weight of a human being — but the precise amount of force needed depends on the direction in which that force is applied and how much the force is distributed (or not) over the surface of the shell

How many Newtons does it take to break an egg?

25 Newtons

Can eggs hold weight?

Testing by SPS found a wide range of maximum loads from ~100 lb to some as high as +300 lbs for standard, large eggs. Explain to the audience that the reason the egg can withstand such forces is because the foam decreases the pressure the egg experiences.

How much weight can an egg shell hold?

The shell of a hen’s egg weighs only about one-fifth of an ounce, and it’s made from calcium carbonate that’s just over one-hundredth of an inch thick. In perfect conditions, that thin layer allows an egg standing on end to bear a 130 pound weight without breaking

How much weight can an egg hold without cracking?

It is only when this radial tensile stress reaches a critical level, equal to the tensile strength of calcium carbonate, that the egg breaks. Chicken eggs were found to have a compressive strength of 100 lbs, whereas ostrich eggs gave values of more than 1000 lbs

Can you walk on eggs?

The egg is the strongest at the top and the bottom (or at the highest point of the arch). That’s why the egg doesn’t break when you apply pressure evenly to both ends. However, eggs do not stand up well to uneven forces, which is why they crack easily on the side of a bowl.

Can elephant break egg?

No, that would not be possible. Although it will take more pressure to break an egg that has the pressure subjected to the ends of an egg instead of it’s sides, and by having an eggs under each foot the pressure could more evenly be distributed on each egg, this could not practicably be done without the eggs breaking

What is the weakest part of an egg?

You will always want to crack the egg around the wide center where the shell is the weakest. The goal is to not allow any eggshell pieces to crack off and get into the egg! To crack an egg on a flat surface hold the egg firmly in one hand.

Why are egg shells so hard?

It turns out eggshells are made of both inorganic and organic matter. They contain calcium-containing minerals and abundant proteins. The amazing strength of eggshells comes from a nanostructured mineral associated with osteopontin, an eggshell protein also found in composite biological materials such as our bones.

Why does an egg break when it hits the ground?

When the egg hits the ground with a given force, the ground exerts the same force back on the egg. The faster the egg falls, the greater this force is. If too large a force is delivered to the egg shell, the egg will crack.

What is the purpose of egg drop project?

Purpose: To explore concepts of momentum and collision by developing a container to lessen the force of impact when an egg is dropped from a high place. Container Requirements: Make another egg case using any materials of your choosing.

What forces act on a falling egg?

Gravity is the force that that pulls the eggs down once there is no longer another outside force (the piece of cardboard) to hold them up.

What is egg drop project?

The Classic “Egg-Drop” experiment has been a standard in science instruction for many years. Essentially, students are asked to construct some type of container that will keep a raw egg from cracking when dropped from ever-increasing elevations.

How do you make an easy egg drop project?

Add padding such as foam, bubble wrap or packing peanuts between the egg and the side of a small plastic bag. Place the small bag into a medium-sized bag and add more padding around the small bag. Place both bags into a large plastic bag with additional padding around the medium bag

How do you drop an egg without breaking it with paper and tape?

In brief, you make a funnel with the paper to hold the egg, and you use the paper straws you just made to cross through the paper funnel on top of the egg to prevent the egg jump outside the funnel during the free fall

Does peanut butter protect an egg?

Use a large plastic jar of peanut butter as an egg drop device. The peanut butter and plastic jar act as the shock absorber for the egg, keeping it from bursting open on impact

How does Rachel’s design help to keep the egg from breaking?

During each trial, the egg does not break. Rachel’s design is a success! The ground applies an equal force in the same direction as the falling egg. The ground applies a stronger force in the same direction as the falling egg.