Users questions

What is the heaviest quilt batting?

What is the heaviest quilt batting?

cotton batting

How do you make a quilt feel heavy?

You could also try using a heavy fabric for the backing, although your sewing machine may object if it’s too thick! Flannel would work, especially the kind you get it from a quilting store which is nice and thick. And the closer you quilt it, the stiffer it will be.

Why are old quilts so heavy?

double warm and natural might work, but the key to those old quilts being heavy was the fabric… most of the time they pieced scraps onto old flour/sugar sacks and the backing was the same, bleached out flour/sugar sacks that were made of grid iron muslin! That fabric made for a heavy quilt!

What was used for batting in old quilts?

The type of batting used to make antique quilts has helped historians to establish the age of a quilt. Early quilts were usually made with hand made small batts from carded cotton or wool. Wool blankets were also used as batting.

What is the best wool for felting?


Is merino wool good for needle felting?

If you have done any needle felting at all I am quite sure you have used Merino wool. It is a very popular choice among needle felters because of it’s soft fine texture. Merino is amazingly soft and lovely but it’s superfine fibers can be difficult to felt down.

What is wool batting for felting?

Wool batting has been scoured, dyed and carded. It comes in big sheets or rolls. The wool fibres are not directional, or straightened. When we are felting we want to have our fibres laid out in different directions to allow for the greatest connection of the fibres and their scales as they integrate to become felt.

What is carding of wool?

Carding is a mechanical process that disentangles, cleans and intermixes fibres to produce a continuous web or sliver suitable for subsequent processing. In preparing wool fibre for spinning, carding is the step that comes after teasing.

What is a wool roving?

Wool roving generally refers to wool fiber that has been processed but not yet spun into yarn. It is used on a spinning wheel to create yarn. Wool roving is sometimes called spinning fiber or top.

What is felting wool used for?

What is felting? Felting bonds and compresses animal fiber to make a dense, flat, warm fabric, using heat, moisture and agitation (and in some industries, chemicals such as acid). Felt can be shaped, made thicker, cut, and sewn. It lasts for a long time, resists water absorption, and is incredibly versatile.

How do you stop wool from felting?

Things to keep in mind include; not letting the water from the faucet run directly over the wool, not swishing the wool around in the water (think submerge and gently lifting and squeezing instead) and never rubbing the wool between your hands or fingers (pinch or squish stains but DO NOT rub them).

Is needle felting hard?

Needle Felting Is Not Hard to Learn You can make some amazing small projects if you take the time to learn a few basic skills. From here you can make it as easy or as hard as you want. Even though I don’t think needle felting is difficult to do some people I have seen do seem to have some difficulty with it.

How long does a felting needle last?

But if you are careful and learn how to use the needles correctly, a felting needle can last for months or even years with regular use and you can avoid painful puncture wounds. One of my students needle felted for the first time at a live Felt Alive Workshop where the first lesson was the use and care of needles.

What is a reverse felting needle?

Reverse felting needles are used for creating ‘pull back’ effects such as animal hair, doll hair and a fluff effect, perfect for making animal objects! The reverse needle allows you to pulls tufts of fibre out of your felted piece.

Can you wet felt after needle felting?

1) Yes, you can needle felt onto wet-felt (when it’s dry of course). It’s a great way of adding fine detail or of repairing bits you don’t like or attaching stubborn bits of yarn that refused to wet-felt in.

Do felting needles wear out?

Also, keep in mind that felting needles wear out, and need to be replaced if you are felting often. If you are just starting out needle felting or looking to improve your skills you will want to check out my needle felting kits and Needle Felting Academy.

What needles for needle felting?

Regular Felting Needles

  • 32 Silver – This is a needle to use with coarse fibres.
  • 36 Green – This is a good starter needle.
  • 38 Red – This needle is good for starting, firming up your felt and shaping.
  • 40 Blue – This needle is good for finer, lighter felting.

Where did felting originate from?

Central Asia