What is the hardest class in the world?

What is the hardest class in the world?

5 Hardest College Classes

  • Organic Chemistry.
  • Philosophy.
  • Linguistics.
  • Quantum Physics/Quantum Mechanics.
  • Anatomy and Physiology.
  • Physical Education.
  • Music Appreciation.
  • Personal Finance.

Is chemistry the hardest class in high school?

United States History, Biology, English Literature, Calculus BC, Physics C, and Chemistry are often named as the hardest AP classes and tests. These classes have large curriculums, tough tests, and conceptually difficult material.

Is Organic Chem harder than Biochem?

If application suites your learning style, organic chemistry will be easier to you, and if you have a great memory and can fit many puzzle pieces together, biochemistry will be easier for you.

What is the hardest premed class?

The hardest pre-med courses I have taken at MSU were Biochemistry, Immunology, Genetics, and Physics. Biochemistry was highly content intensive, immuno was very interesting but a completely different language, and I personally have very little interest in Genetics or Physics making them that much more difficult.

What is the hardest topic in organic chemistry?


Why is O Chem so hard?

The second reason ochem is so difficult to learn is that it’s a memorization nightmare. Not only are there more than 15 million organic compounds, but there are different rules governing the reactions and properties of each of these compounds. The trickiest part is how often the rules change.

Is organic chemistry easier than general chemistry?

Why Is Organic Chemistry So Darn Difficult? Organic chemistry is the most dreaded of all science classes. It has the highest failure rate, lowest class average and more retakes than any other science course. Yet most schools weigh organic chemistry about the same as general chemistry or physics.

Is it hard to get a chemistry?

The class, overall, is made to fail as many people as possible. They make it way harder than it is, but with decent effort on the exams, like averaging Bs, and doing all the homework, you should be able to get an A.

Does organic chemistry have a lot of math?

Basically, orgo examines how molecules containing carbon interact, but it doesn’t require equations or math, as in physics. Instead, you learn how electrons flow around and between molecules, and you draw little curved arrows showing where they go

Is Organic Chemistry 2 hard?

As previous posters said, Orgo 2 is usually a little better than orgo 1-not easier- just better cause the reactions always produce certain products, and if you learn how to handle them, you’ll be fine

Is chemistry heavy math?

Chemistry is a very mathematics intensive major. It varies from school to school, but most universities require Calculus II and III, Physics I and II (calculus based), P-Chem I and II, and Analytical Chemistry. The math levels vary here from simple integrals to statistical analysis to very advanced calculus.

Is Analytical Chemistry hard?

it is easy to take lecture of analytical chemistry, it is easy to understand lecture but it is very hard to learn analytical chemistry because you have to know/learn chemistry of materials (chemicals, reagent, glass ware, apparatus and environment also ) each factor that effect the chemistry of your experiment you have …

What is the hardest science in high school?