What is the enthalpy of N2?

What is the enthalpy of N2?

Temp. [K] Enthalpy [kJ/kmol] Enthalpy [kJ/kmol]
298 0
300 54 missing
310 345 22115
320 637 22773

What is the bond energy of NN?

Common Bond Energies (D

Bond D (kJ/mol) r (pm)
N-N 167 145
N=N 418 125
N≡N 942 110
N-O 201 140

What is the bond enthalpy of F2?

It is well known that the bond dissociation energy of F2 is sig- nificantly smaller than would be expected from extrapolation of the I2 , Br2 and Cl2 values (I2 : 35.6 kcal molÀ1, Br2 : 45.4, Cl2 : 57.2, F2 : 36.9). 1 Indeed, the F–F bond is one of the weak- est of all covalent bonds.

What is the enthalpy of CO?

The standard enthalpy of formation of carbon monoxide is -99 kJ/mol.

What is the entropy of CO2?

The entropy of carbon dioxide gas has been calculated from the calorimetric data and the third law of thermodynamics to be 51.11 cal./deg. per mole at 298.1°K. This value is in excellent agreement with the value 51.07 cal./deg.

How many types of carbon dioxide are there?

Carbon dioxide

Other names Carbonic acid gas Carbonic anhydride Carbonic dioxide Carbon(IV) oxide R-744 (refrigerant) R744 (refrigerant alternative spelling) Dry ice (solid phase)
CAS Number 124-38-9
3D model (JSmol) Interactive image Interactive image

What is the normal pressure for a CO2 tank?

about 860 psi

Do CO2 tanks need to be upright?

Always keep your CO2 tank upright when dispensing CO2. This can cause your low side pressure to spike and the excess CO2 to vent through the pressure relief valve on the regulator or keg coupler.

How much CO2 is in a 5lb tank?

85 to 132.5 liters

How much does an empty 5lb CO2 tank weight?

It depends upon the manufacturer, mine weighs about 12 pounds empty, 17 pounds filled.

How long does a 5lb CO2 tank last Aquarium?

5-6 weeks

Do Airgas fill CO2 tanks?

There’s an Airgas and PraxAir, both are large commercial chains that fill industrial tanks. They are picky about filling tanks, and they only fill their own. I’ve been using a Welding Supply shop that fills it on-site for like $20 for a 20# tank. There’s also a local liquor store and my LHBS that swap them out.