Users questions

What is the English of sinat?

What is the English of sinat?

English. sinat. fever; slight fever; sinat.

What is Lagnat?

(medicine) fever, body temperature that is higher than usual Synonym: kalentura.

What is disintegrated economy?

A disintegrated economy means when the economy is broken up or collapses.

What causes disintegration?

Disintegration is what happens when a company breaks into smaller companies or when a band splits up. Often, disintegration is physical — a bomb could cause the disintegration of its target. The decomposition (rotting) of a body is an example of disintegration.

What is disintegration in business?

As opposed to vertical integration, in which production occurs within a singular organization, vertical disintegration means that various diseconomies of scale or scope have broken a production process into separate companies, each performing a limited subset of activities required to create a finished product.

What is horizontal integration in supply chain?

Horizontal integration is the process of a company increasing production of goods or services at the same part of the supply chain. Horizontal integration contrasts with vertical integration, where companies integrate multiple stages of production of a small number of production units.

How do you use disintegrate in a sentence?

Disintegrate in a Sentence 🔉

  1. When I stirred the mixture, the sugar seemed to disintegrate into the water.
  2. The star player’s departure from the game caused the team’s lead to disintegrate.
  3. During the lab, the acid caused the fiber to disintegrate.
  4. The bomb caused the trailer to disintegrate into thousands of tiny pieces.

What is the principle of disintegration?

Disintegration is defined as that state in which no residue of the unit under test remains on the screen of the apparatus or, if a residue remains, it consists of fragments of disintegrated parts of tablets component parts such as insoluble coating of the tablets or of capsule shells, or of any melted fatty substance …

What is the opposite of disintegration?

What is the opposite of disintegrate?

combine gather
integrate interfuse
intermix join
merge mingle
mix pool

What part of speech is counterfeit?


part of speech: adjective
part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: counterfeits, counterfeiting, counterfeited
definition 1: to make a fraudulent imitation or copy of. The criminals counterfeited money in addition to robbing banks. synonyms: fake, forge similar words: copy

What part of speech is obsolete?

verb (used with object), ob·so·let·ed, ob·so·let·ing.

What does obsolete mean in English?

old-fashioned or no longer useful

Is paper becoming obsolete?

Paper is not an obsolete medium as of now, however many believe that an electronically dominated world is not far on the horizon. Although many protest, heading towards a paperless future could be a positive thing, being more efficient and making offices look more professional.

How do you use luxurious in a sentence?

Luxurious sentence example

  1. The life of the ruling class was comfortable and even luxurious from early times.
  2. They entered the elegant, newly decorated, and luxurious dining room.
  3. Choking down fear, she climbed inside and sat down in the luxurious leather seat.

What is called obsolescence?

Obsolescence is the state of being which occurs when an object, service, or practice is no longer maintained, required, or degraded even though it may still be in good working order. Typically, obsolescence is preceded by a gradual decline in popularity.

What is cost of obsolescence?

Obsolescence costs are incurred when an item in inventory becomes obsolete before it is sold or used. Obsolescence costs include the labor and materials consumed in producing the original product and the cost of disposal (e.g., identifying, transporting and disposing obsolete inventory).

What is storage risk?

accumulations of used packaging. poor storage causing increased manual-handling risks, eg putting bulky items above head height. spillages of goods causing environmental damage or increasing the risk of slips and trips occurring. exposure to badly stored hazardous substances.