Users questions

What is the easiest club to hit in golf?

What is the easiest club to hit in golf?

Drivers which are 460cc and feature a shallow profile are normally the easiest clubs to hit because of the perimeter weighting and deep, low center of gravity. Drivers which are less than 460cc and of a deeper profile tend to be favored by better players because of the increased workability.

What Golf Club has a 37 degree loft?


Should my irons be upright or flat?

If your club is too upright at impact, then your shots will travel to the left of your target. Conversely, if your club is too flat, then your shots will be heading right. For every degree that your lie angle is either too upright or flat, the ball will initially travel 4 yards off your intended target line.

What happens if my clubs are too upright?

But if your clubs are too upright, the toe would be off the ground, and you’d have a tendency to pull the ball (inset, top). Too flat, and the heel would be up, and you’d tend to hit pushes (inset, bottom). Starting with the face slightly off can produce exponential misses, so make sure your clubs fit.

Should the toe of the club be up at address?

A properly fitted putter should not have the toe up at address, because the address position is how the putter will present itself to the ball at impact. So you should have the putter toe/heel line horizontal at address.

Why do I hit my golf ball on the toe of the club?

Hitting the ball off the toe of the club is one of the most common ball-striking problems. It usually occurs when the arms lose their extension as the club moves into the impact zone — often the swing path is pulling in because the golfer is trying to lift the ball off the ground.

Should hands be in front of golf ball at address?

At address, your hands should be slightly in front of the ball – exactly where you want them to return when you make contact. Also, make sure your left wrist (for a right-handed golfer) is in a relatively flat, firm position.

Should you ground the club at address?

Some golfers like to ground their club behind the ball before they swing. Others prefer to hover just off the ground. Personal preference can come into play here, but the determining factor should be how consistently you hit the ball. Fred Soobhany has found great success using the Peak Performance Golf Swing.

Why do I hit the ground first with my driver?

Hitting the ground before the ball can have many causes. Among them are: 1) Hanging back or fall back with your weight onto your rear side through impact. 2) Releasing the club too soon.

Why do I keep hitting the heel of my driver?

Driver heads have gotten huge, but I still see plenty of heel and toe hits. The reason is, most golfers swing the driver too hard, with either the hands and arms or the hips racing out of sequence on the downswing. This causes contact on the heel because the clubhead swings across the ball from outside the target line.

What is the secret to the golf swing?

There’s a move in the golf swing that goes unnoticed or ignored a lot of times. It’s not complicated, but is incredibly important to a golfer’s success. The move I’m talking about is often called the “pivot.”

Should I shorten my backswing?

Some players can handle a longer backswing, while others can’t. That being said, in general, most amateur golfers over-swing in their backswing, especially with their driver. This means they let their backswing get longer than they can handle. So, shortening of the backswing is needed to improve their overall game.

Should arms be close to body in golf swing?

On the backswing, keeping the upper arms connected to your chest allows the path of the golf club to move inside and naturally along the proper arc. A great drill to practice the feeling of a connected golf swing is to place a glove, towel, tissue or dollar bills in both armpits as you address the golf ball.

What does right elbow do in golf swing?

Having the right elbow in the proper position at the top allows the trail arm to move externally and under the lead arm resulting in a shallowing of the club shaft. This allows you to deliver the clubhead to impact on an inside track with strong body rotation for power and control.

What is the correct takeaway in golf?

The takeaway takes place immediately as you begin your golf swing – after the golf setup – and ends when the club is parallel to the ground which is when the backswing begins.