Users questions

What is the difference between physical impossibility and logical possibility?

What is the difference between physical impossibility and logical possibility?

If you violate logical possibility, it will be neither physically possible nor metaphysically possible. Something is physically impossible (AKA nomological impossibility) if it is inconsistent or contradictory to the physical laws of nature. So something can be logically possible but not physically possible.

What is metaphysically possible?

Nomological possibility is possibility according to the laws of this world, i.e. a thing is nomologically possible if it doesn’t contradict the laws of physics, chemistry, etc. So something could be metaphysically—but not nomologically—possible if it could be the case in some world or other.

What does modal mean in philosophy?

The philosophy of modality is the area in which one studies the metaphysics, semantics, epistemology, and logic of modal claims—that is, claims about what is necessary, possible, contingent, essential, and accidental. Epistemology is the general area of philosophy in which one studies the nature of knowledge.

Is God metaphysically necessary?

Necessity in theology While many theologians (e.g. Anselm of Canterbury, René Descartes, and Gottfried Leibniz) considered God to be a logically or metaphysically necessary being, Richard Swinburne argued for factual necessity, and Alvin Plantinga argues that God is a causally necessary being.

Why do we use modal?

We use modals to show if we believe something is certain, possible or impossible: My keys must be in the car. It might rain tomorrow.

What is Modal of no obligation?

If something is not necessary or not an obligation, we use the modal verb “do/does not have to.” Make sure the verb agrees with the subject. For example: In Canada, children do not have to go to school on Saturdays, but many adults have to work. Common Question: Do children have to go to school on Saturdays?

Does a modal have only one meaning?

meaning- a modal verb can have more than one meaning and different modal verbs can have the same meaning (e.g. can and may are both used to describe what is possible) modal verbs are used very differently in speech and writing (e.g. can is not used to ask for permission in formal writing.)

What are the 3 expresses of modals?

There are three main categories of meaning.

  • possibility/ability/permission.
  • obligation/necessity.
  • intention/prediction.

How many models are there in English?

However, when talking about modal verbs in general, the usual number that people talk about is nine – there are nine common modal verbs in the English language.

What are the types of modal auxiliary verbs?

The three primary auxiliary verbs are ‘be’, ‘have’ and ‘do’. There are ten common modal auxiliary verbs and they are ‘can’, ‘could’, ‘will’, ‘would’, ‘shall’, ‘should’, ‘may’, ‘might’, ‘must’ and ‘ought’. Modal auxiliary verbs often express the ideas of necessity and possibility.