What is the charge on ethylenediamine?

What is the charge on ethylenediamine?

Since it takes 3 sulfates to bond with two complex cations, the charge on each complex cation must be +3. Since ethylenediamine is a neutral molecule, the oxidation number of cobalt in the complex ion must be +3.

What is ethylenediamine dihydrochloride?

Ethylenediamine dihydrochloride is a colorless liquid that is used as a preservative, emulsifier and stabilizer in certain medical creams, cosmetics and a variety of other products.

What type of ligand is ethylenediamine?

Ethylenediamine is a well-known bidentate chelating ligand for coordination compounds, with the two nitrogen atoms donating their lone pairs of electrons when ethylenediamine acts as a ligand. It is often abbreviated “en” in inorganic chemistry.

Is ethylenediamine an acid or base?

107-15-3), commonly known as ethylenediamine (EDA), is a synthetic colour- less to yellowish liquid at normal temperature and pressure. It is strongly alkaline and is miscible with water and alcohol.

What is the formula of ethylenediamine?


How many electrons does ethylenediamine donate?

Common examples of bidentate ligands are ethylenediamine (en), and the oxalate ion (ox). Shown below is a diagram of ethylenediamine: the nitrogen (blue) atoms on the edges each have two free electrons that can be used to bond to a central metal atom or ion.

Why is PT 4 unstable?

The main reason why Pd(CO)4 and Pt(CO)4 are unstable at room temperature in a condensed phase can be traced back to the already rather weak bond energy of the Ni‐CO bond. The first bond dissociation energy of Pt(CO)4 is low because the relaxation energy of the Pt(CO)3 fragment is rather high.

Why Co is considered the strongest ligand?

The strength of a ligand is determined by the amount of crystal filed energy. Since, CO causes more crystal field splitting than Cl- , it has more crystal field energy and thus is a stronger ligand than Cl -.

Can h2 be a ligand?

Dihydrogen complexes are coordination complexes containing intact H2 as a ligand. The prototypical complex is W(CO)3(PCy3)2(H2). This class of compounds represent intermediates in metal-catalyzed reactions involving hydrogen.

Why is co called PI acid ligand?

Answer: Pi acid ligands are one that is able to accept a large amount of electron density from the metal atom into its own empty pi or pi* orbital are known as pi acid or pi acceptor ligands. Due to empty pi orbitals and a good sigma donor, CO is a good pi acceptor or Lewis acid.

Why is o2 not a ligand?

Re: Why Oxygen not a ligand? The other two oxygens have a negative charge which makes them more reactive than the double bonded oxygens (remember formal charges). Think about what the molecule would look like if all the oxygens bonded to the same central atom. You’ll see that it doesn’t look very stable at all.

Is O2 a weak field ligand?

The reason it is not weak ligand is it cannot donate electron through pi bonding i.e only sigma donor, because after donating one electron pair oxygen attains positive charge which makes it difficult to donate another pair of electron.

Is O2 a monodentate ligand?

The oxygen of water can only orient one lone pair to a metal since the oxygen is sp3 hybridized and the lone pairs point in opposite directions. The oxalate ligand is similar. Two oxygens can bind to one metal, but only through one lone pair since the other lone pair points away from the metal.

Why is Co a better ligand than N2?

Due to this fact, N2 is a weaker ligand than CO. Therefore, the geometric overlap for CO is better and CO has better -donor and π-acceptor qualities than N2. This means that the overlap of a transition metal with CO will be totally different in strength from that observed when the transition metal is bound to N2.

Is no pi acceptor ligand?

Therefore, the ligand may act as a σ- or π-donor of the electron density to the metal ion and at the same time, it acts as a π-acceptor ligand. On bonding metal d-orbital donate its electron density to empty π-orbital of these ligands and this type of bonding is called π-backbonding.

Is a strong pi donor ligand?

Classic pi-donor ligands are oxide (O2−), nitride (N3−), imide (RN2−), alkoxide (RO−), amide (R2N−), and fluoride. For late transition metals, strong pi-donors form anti-bonding interactions with the filled d-levels, with consequences for spin state, redox potentials, and ligand exchange rates.

Is water a pi-donor?

d) The ammonia must be a stronger field ligand than water. In general terms we might think of that as a result of ammonia being only a sigma-donor, whereas water is also a pi-donor. Problem CC10.

How do you tell if a ligand is a pi-donor or acceptor?

1 Answer. If you ask for an “easy” way to determine if a ligand is a pi acceptor/donor or none, look at the spectrochemical series. A quick-and-dirty rule (which means that it is correct most of the time but not always) is that weak ligands (iodide, bromide, hydroxide etc) are pi-donor ligands.

Is pyridine a pi-acceptor?

Pyridine is a weak pi-acceptor ligand.