Users questions

What is the best fire type Pokemon In Soul Silver?

What is the best fire type Pokemon In Soul Silver?

re: Whats the best fire type? Arcanine since you don’t want houndoom. Flare blitz and extremespeed is good on it. If houndoom nasty plot, flamethrower, and dark pulse.

Can you catch all Pokemon in soul silver?

To get them all (legitimately), you’ll probably need all version of the games, a trading buddy or another GBA and/or DS, and to go to special out-of-game events in order to get a specific item with will enable you to catch a specific legendary Pokemon.

What Legendaries can you catch in soul silver?

Kyogre & Groudon are both available within this game. To access them, you need to obtain the Blue Orb if in Heart Gold or the Red Orb if in Soul Silver. These orbs are found from Mr. Pokémon after you have obtained the National Dex and received the Kanto starters from Professor Oak.

What pokeball is best to catch Ho-Oh?

Finally once you set up the condition of Ho-oh having 1 HP, asleep, and your active pokemon is boosted up, it’s pokeball time. Your two best items here are Dusk Balls and Timer Balls. Dusk Balls are only effective at night, but it has the 2nd best chance of catching Ho-oh.

Can you catch ho-oh with a great ball?

It’s not surprising that it can take 40 Ultra Balls to capture Ho-Oh, even if it’s at 1HP. (in 100 tests performed 20 times) As you might expect, a sleeping Ho-oh should cut these odds in half.

Does Ho-Oh Respawn HeartGold?

Reports of respawning Pokemon include Sudowoodo, Snorlax, Ho-oh, Lugia, Entei, and Raikou, who respawn after you beat the E4, and will be randomized again in terms of stats and such.

What games can you catch Ho-Oh?

Ho-oh is also one of the only legendary Pokémon that can be caught in all the mainline games that belong to its generation. It can be found at the top of the Tin Tower, renamed the Bell Tower in Pokémon Heartgold and Soulsilver, in Pokémon Gold, Silver and Crystal.

Is Mew Ho-Oh?

Mew’s first major appearance in the Pokémon anime was in Pokémon: The First Movie, where it served as one of the main characters. In the movie, a Pokémon “family tree” is shown; the first Pokémon on it is Mew, and the last is Ho-Oh.

What color is shiny moltres?

Unlike shiny Articuno and shiny Zapdos, shiny Moltres actually does look quite a bit different than his normal form in Pokémon GO. Rather than being yellow and orange his body is actually pink, and you can really see the change. Those are always the best shinies, like black Charizard or green Dragonite.

Common questions

What is the best fire-type Pokemon In Soul Silver?

What is the best fire-type Pokemon In Soul Silver?

Top 5 Fire Pokemon from Johto

  • Typhlosion (Image via Camille Blum)
  • Magmar (Image via The Pokemon Company)
  • Ho-oh (Image via Niantic)
  • Entei (Image via The Pokemon Company)
  • Houndoom (Image via The Pokemon Company)

How do you get a Growlithe in soul silver?

1 Answer. You cannot find Growlithe in the wild in SoulSilver, you must trade one from another Generation IV game.

Who is stronger ninetales or arcanine?

Arcanine, the more physical attacker of the two. Ironically has lower base speed than Ninetales, despite being known for its legendary speed. Ninetales, unfortunately has a lower base stat total than its counterpart. This does not lower its usefulness on the battlefield, however.

What is the best fire-type starter?

Fire is among the best Pokémon types, and the Starters are perfect advocates.

  • 8 Delphox.
  • 7 Emboar.
  • 6 Incineroar.
  • 5 Cinderace.
  • 4 Blaziken.
  • 3 Typhlosion.
  • 2 Infernape.
  • 1 Charizard.

Who is Ash strongest fire-type Pokemon?

1 Infernape While other Fire-types on Ash’s team needed tons of additional training that he couldn’t provide, his partnership with Infernape has led to it being Ash’s strongest Fire-type by far.

How do you evolve umbreon in soul silver?

After having a full friendship meter and leveling during the night, Eevee will evolve into Umbreon. You can achieve this by battling with your Eevee on the team (without it fainting), keeping your Eevee on the team, giving it berries and protein, as well as giving it haircuts and taking it to the National Park.

Where do you get a fire stone in soul silver?

Go to route 36 and then face school kid alen and if you beat him then he will ask for your phone number and when you do, leave and then wait a bit and then he will call you and will say that he found something and then go back to the place where you last battled him and then talk to him and then he will give you a fire stone.

Which is the best Fire type Pokemon in Pokemon soulilver?

The reason I think Magmar is good is because it is a really good fire type Pokemon and will help you for a while. The reason I pick Growlithe is because it just downright learns amazing fire type moves.

What is the pokedex for Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver?

HeartGold & SoulSilver Pokédex The native Johto Pokédex in Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver is almost identical to the original games. Strangely, it adds the evolutions Yanmega, Ambipom, Lickilicky, Tangrowth and Mamoswine, but not some other evolutions (e.g. Electivire) or baby Pokémon (e.g. Wynaut).

What do you get with a stone tablet in Pokemon soul silver?

It is a stone tablet that boosts the power of Steel-type moves. An item to be held by a Pokémon. It may cause the foe to flinch when the holder inflicts damage. An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is tremendously heavy and makes the holder move slower than usual.