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What is the balanced equation for the combustion of pentane?

What is the balanced equation for the combustion of pentane?

Consider the hydrocarbon pentane, C5H12 (molar mass 72.15 g). (a) Write the balanced equation for the combustion of pentane to yield carbon dioxide and water. C3H12 + 802 → 5 CO2 + 6 H20 1 point earned for showing 02 as a reactant and having the equation balanced correctly.

What is the complete combustion of pentane?

From the prefix ‘pent’ we know that the hydrocarbon contains 5 carbons and because this is an alkane we can use the CnH2n+2 general formula to work out the molecular formula of pentane as C5H12. Because the question asks for complete combustion, the products are water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2).

What happens when you burn pentane?

Reactions and occurrence Like other alkanes, pentanes are largely unreactive at standard room temperature and conditions – however, with sufficient activation energy (e.g., an open flame), they readily oxidize to form carbon dioxide and water: C5H12 + 8 O2 → 5 CO2 + 6 H2O + heat/energy.

What is combustion give example?

Brainly User. Answer: Combustion is a technical term for burning, which is a chemical process that occurs when a fuel reacts with an oxidant to produce heat. Some common examples of combustion include burning wood to heat a home, the burning of petrol to run a car and the combustion of natural gas to cook on a stovetop …

What is fuel and combustion of fuel?

Solid fuel refers to various types of solid material that are used as fuel to produce energy and provide heating, usually released through combustion. Coal was the fuel source which enabled the industrial revolution, from firing furnaces, to running steam engines.

Is electricity considered a fuel?

Electricity is considered an alternative fuel under the Energy Policy Act of 1992. Electricity can be produced from a variety of energy sources, including natural gas, coal, nuclear energy, wind energy, hydropower, as well as solar energy and stored as hydrogen or in batteries.

How does fuel combustion work?

In an internal combustion engine (ICE), the ignition and combustion of the fuel occurs within the engine itself. The engine then partially converts the energy from the combustion to work. After the piston compresses the fuel-air mixture, the spark ignites it, causing combustion.

How does an external combustion engine work?

An external combustion engine burns fuel externally, or outside the engine. An external combustion engine burns fuel to heat water and produce steam. The steam is under pressure and is used to push a piston back and forth inside a cylinder. As the piston moves back and forth, it moves a piston rod, which can do work.

What is an example of an external combustion engine?

For example, an external combustion engine would use a flame to heat water into steam, then using the steam to turn a turbine. A boiling water reactor, which is an external heat engine. All external combustion engines are external heat engines.

What is meant by external combustion?

An external combustion engine (EC engine) is a heat engine where a working fluid, contained internally, is heated by combustion in an external source, through the engine wall or a heat exchanger. The fluid then, by expanding and acting on the mechanism of the engine, produces motion and usable work.

What are the two main types of external combustion engine?

There are two main families of external combustion engines; steam engines which rely on expanding steam (or occasionally some other vapour) to drive a mechanism; or Stirling engines which use hot air (or some other hot gas).

What is the difference between internal and external combustion?

External engines have a working fluid that is heated by the fuel. Internal combustion engines rely on the explosive power of the fuel within the engine to produce work. In external combustion engines, combustion heats a fluid which, in turn, does all the work.

What is the goal of improving combustion modes?

What is the goal of improving combustion modes? Improving combustion modes has the goal of finding new ways of converting thermal energy and in consequence of increasing the efficiency of the vehicle.

Is a steam engine an internal or external combustion?

A combustion engine is a complex machine that burns fuel to produce thermal energy and then uses the thermal energy to do work. There are two types of combustion engines: external and internal. A steam engine is an external combustion engine.

What are examples of internal combustion engines?

Internal-combustion engines are the most broadly applied and widely used power-generating devices currently in existence. Examples include gasoline engines, diesel engines, gas-turbine engines, and rocket-propulsion systems.

How internal combustion engines are classified?

We can classify internal combustion reciprocating engines according to the number of strokes of the piston in one complete working cycle. There is still another classification according to the process of combustion: explosion or constant-volume combustion engines and constant-pressure combustion or Diesel engines.

What are the 3 things that an internal combustion engine needs to run?

WTATWTA: The four things every engine needs to run

  • Ingredient one: Compression. An engine needs compression to run. A compression test is a straightforward (and usually simple) test to perform.
  • Ingredient two: Air. Air is required to run an engine.
  • Ingredient three: Fuel. Fuel and air sort of work hand in hand, as we just discussed.

Do airplanes use internal combustion engines?

For the forty years following the first flight of the Wright brothers, airplanes used internal combustion engines to turn propellers to generate thrust. Today, most general aviation or private airplanes are still powered by propellers and internal combustion engines, much like your automobile engine.