What is the antipode of Mecca?

What is the antipode of Mecca?


What is on the opposite side of the world from Mecca?


What is the direction of Mecca?

On a flat Earth, calculating the qibla would be easy: You would use a “rhumb line,” a line of standard bearing that crossed all meridians of longitude at the same angle. If you were praying in Anchorage, Alaska, for example, you’d face Mecca by facing roughly west-southwest.

Which side is Mecca from India?


Why do Muslims face Mecca when praying?

Mecca or Makkah is the birthplace of prophet Muhammad, peace is on him. In the center of the mosque in Mecca, is the cube-shaped building called a Kaaba (Ka’bah) is found. All Muslims face the direction of the Kaaba during ritual prayer (Salat). Muslims believe that the Kaaba is the holiest place on earth.

Why was Surah Yaseen revealed?

People of Quresh deny the Muhammad when he starts preaching Islam. They said you are same like us and can’t be a prophet. On that moment Allah reveals the ayah of Surah Yaseen and tell HIS Prophet not be worried that this is not the new behavior, earlier people did the same, When Allah sent messengers to them.

What is the most powerful Surah in the Quran?

Ayat al-Kursi

What does Yaseen mean in Quran?

Yā Sīn (also Yaseen; Arabic: يٰسٓ‎, yāsīn; the letters ‘Yāʼ’ and ‘Sīn’) is the 36th sūrah of the Quran. It has 83 verses (āyāt). One of the interpretations is “O human being!” referring to Muhammad since the verses that follow are translated as “By the Qur´an, full of Wisdom, Thou art indeed one of the messengers”.

Which Surah is the beauty of Quran?

The title of the surah, Ar-Rahman, appears in verse 1 and means “The Most Beneficent”….Ar-Rahman.

الرحمان Ar-Raḥmān Rahman
Position Juzʼ 27
No. of Rukus 3
No. of verses 78
No. of words 352

Which surah in Quran does not start with Bismillah?

At-Tawbah (Arabic: ٱلتوبة‎, at-Tawbah; meaning: The Repentance), also known as Bara’ah (Arabic: براءة‎, Barāʾah; meaning: Repudiation), is the ninth chapter (sūrah) of the Quran. It contains 129 verses (āyāt) and is one of the last Medinan surah. It is the only Surah of the Quran that does not begin with Bismillah.

Which Surah has Bismillah in the middle?

No Surah starts with two bismillahs, but there is a Surah with Bismillah in the middle. Surah Naml, which is the 27th Chapter, has the entire bismillahir rahmanir raheem in the 30th verse. This is why Surah Naml is known as the Surah with two bismillahs.

Which surah in Quran starts with Bismillah?

surah Al-Taubah

Which is the most exalted verse of the Quran?

(ayah) 256 of Al-Baqara

What Quran says about truth?

Islam orders the Muslim to tell the truth even if it is against the ones own interest. Islam orders him not to cheat or betray other people. A Muslim is ordered by Allah to be truthful in his words and deeds, privately and publicly alike.