Users questions

What is TA 50 in the Army?

What is TA 50 in the Army?

Definition. TA-50. Table of Allowances 50 (Army-issued individual equipment)

How does army statement of charges work?

A statement of charges is essentially a voluntary admission of liability for the lost or damaged property and an agreement to pay for it. The command cannot force or coerce someone into signing such a statement. The charge cannot exceed the monthly basic pay of the person admitting liability.

What happens if you lose your gun in the army?

The military will literally shut down an installation to find an errant weapon. The very smallest punishment for misplacing a weapon, if it’s found within a reasonable amount of time, is a “Company Grade Article 15.” That means you can lose one grade of rank, a week of pay, and two weeks of extra duty.

What army regulation covers statement of charges?

A Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss is not required in every situation where there is a loss or damage. If the loss is less than one month’s base pay, the command may ask the responsible individual to sign a DD Form 362, Statement of Charges/Cash Collection Voucher.

What is the purpose of Army maintenance?

The purpose of Army maintenance is to regenerate combat power and to preserve the capital investment in combat systems and equipment over time to enable training and provide the readiness to execute full spectrum operations.

What are the army levels of maintenance?

The system separates Army maintenance into two categories: field-level mainte- nance and sustainment-level main- tenance. Field-level maintenance is an on- system or near-system repair process that returns equipment to the user.

What is the Army Maintenance Standard?

The Army has one maintenance standard, which is outlined in AR 750-1, Army Materiel Maintenance Policies. Maintenance Standards and Concepts (cont.) All faults identified, corrective actions taken, parts ordered or equipment is job-ordered to DS maintenance. Services performed on time.

What are the levels in the army?

Enlisted Ranks

  • Private. A trainee starting Basic Combat Training.
  • Private. Second most junior rank in the Army, and the first at which a Soldier wears rank insignia.
  • Private First Class. Start BCT with experience or prior military training.
  • Specialist.
  • Corporal.
  • Sergeant.
  • Staff Sergeant.
  • Sergeant First Class.

How long is basic training for the Army?

nine weeks