What is Slifer effect?
What is Slifer effect?
If multiple monsters are Summoned in face-up Attack Position, the effect of “Slifer the Sky Dragon” will activate. Furthermore, the ATK of all of the Summoned monsters is reduced by 2000, and those whose ATK becomes 0 are destroyed.
What type of monster is Slifer?
Slifer is a large, serpentine red-skinned, black-bellied dragon with spikes running down its body. Its wings are bat-like in form, with two thumb claws.
Is Slifer immune to effects?
Slifer the Sky Dragon If this card is Special Summoned, it is destroyed at the end of the turn. As long as this card is face-up on the field it is unaffected by all Trap Cards or other Monster Card’s effects.
What can destroy God cards?
They can be destroyed by Trap Cards that target (in the anime, “Blast Held by a Tribute” destroyed one monster and inflicted damage based on its ATK, so it targeted). They can be affected by targeting Traps (“Magic Cylinder” and “Spellbinding Circle”).
What’s the other challenge for Slifer the Sky Dragon?
Slifer the Sky Dragon other challenge is a lack of protection. It explodes most of the monsters your opponent plays, sure, but almost any effect can destroy Slifer the Sky Dragon. Or banish it. Or bounce it.
Who is Slifer the Sky Dragon in Osiris?
Slifer the Sky Dragon, known as Sky Dragon of Osiris in the Japanese version, is a character version of the card ” Slifer the Sky Dragon “. Slifer appears in the manga and anime, as one of the most powerful monster spirits, the Egyptian Gods. In the Japanese anime and manga, its card is called ” Saint Dragon – The God of Osiris “.
What kind of Dragon is Slifer in Dragon Ball Z?
Slifer is a large, serpentine red-skinned, black-bellied dragon with spikes running down its body. Its wings are bat-like in form, with two thumb claws. Slifer’s head has two mouths; the bottom jaw of the smaller top set is part of the top jaw of the larger set.
Why did Atem allow Slifer to go into the sky?
Atem allowed Slifer to be struck in order to protect innocent civilians from Diabound’s attacks and then got Slifer to force the battle into the sky. However Diabound was able to disappear into the darkness and attack Slifer from behind.