Users questions

What is shelf life and expiry date?

What is shelf life and expiry date?

The term “shelf life” of a drug slightly differs from a drug’s “expiration date.” The shelf life generally relates to a drug’s quality over a specified period of time, whereas the expiration date relates to both quality and safety of a medication at a specific point in time.

Is PetArmor as good as Frontline Plus?

Frontline Plus: Effectiveness. PetArmor Plus and Frontline Plus both contain the same concentrations of (S)-methoprene and fipronil so there shouldn’t be any difference in efficacy. The main difference we see is that PetArmor Plus appears to take longer to kill fleas (up to 24 hours).

Will PetArmor kill existing ticks?

FAST-ACTING FLEA TREATMENT: PetArmor flea treatment for dogs can help you stop an existing flea or tick infestation.

Is PetArmor waterproof?

EFFECTIVE, WATERPROOF FLEA TREATMENT FOR DOGS: PetArmor Plus is a waterproof, flea & tick topical prevention for dogs that kills fleas, flea eggs, flea larvae, ticks, and chewing lice for up to 30 days after application.

Can you drown fleas?

Fleas can survive for up to 7 days when dropped in water. When submerged, it takes fleas at least 24 hours to drown. Adding a couple drops of dish soap to the water will speed up the process. Dish soaps contain surfactants, which reduce water’s surface tension and cause fleas to sink and drown.

Can fleas live off human blood?

Fleas are parasites. They live exclusively on the blood they take from warm-blooded animals – these are the ‘host’. While cat and dog fleas cannot breed without their preferred hosts, they can live for several months on a diet of human blood. Fleas are capable of carrying and transmitting diseases through their bites.

How long can fleas survive without blood?

100 days

Can fleas live on human hair?

Fleas do not live on humans because they lack substantial hair like animals, and it’s very difficult to reproduce without the protection of fur or feathers. One lab study observed that a flea would have to feed on a human for 12 straight hours to have the chance to lay viable eggs.

Does Blue Dawn kill fleas?

Yes, dawn dish soap does kill fleas and they will die within minutes, making it a very time effective way to deal with these pests.

Are Fleas attracted to white?

Fleas are not attracted to white. Thus, they’re most noticeable on light-colored materials, such as white fur or white socks. As a result, a myth arose that fleas are attracted this color. Regardless, fleas still parasitize white cats and dogs.