Users questions

What is Question 104 on fafsa?

What is Question 104 on fafsa?

This is question 104 on the FAFSA. When a preparer completes the student’s application, the preparer must provide a Social Security Number (SSN), since he/she is taking responsibility for the accuracy of the information that is provided on the form.

How do I answer a question 85 on fafsa?

Report whole dollar amounts with no cents. 85. Enter your parents’ income tax for 2019. Income tax amount is the total of IRS Form 1040—line 13 minus Schedule 2—line 46.

What are the 3 groups of questions asked on the Fafsa?

Choose the FAFSA Questions You Would Like Help With:

  • Step One – Student Information.
  • Step Two – Student Financial Information.
  • Step Three – Student Status (Determines Whether You Will Need Parental Information)
  • Step Four – Parent Information.
  • Step Five – Student Household Information.
  • Step Six & Seven – Send, Sign and Date.

Can fafsa check your bank account?

Does FAFSA Check Your Bank Accounts? FAFSA doesn’t check anything, because it’s a form. However, the form does require you to complete some information about your assets, including checking and savings accounts.

Can you keep Pell Grant money?

You are legally allowed to keep money from your Pell Grant and use it for non-education expenses. However, you must keep track of what you do not spend on education and report this as income on your taxes.

Can I spend fafsa money on anything?

Even though college financial aid may seem like free money, you can’t spend it on anything you want. You can only spend your federal financial aid money on purchases that are necessary for you to continue your studies. These necessary purchases may be defined under your school’s itemized cost of attendance.

Does fafsa cover full tuition?

Does the FAFSA Cover Full Tuition? The financial aid awarded based on the FAFSA can be used to pay for the college’s full cost of attendance, which includes tuition and fees. The financial aid will be based on financial need, which is usually less than the cost of attendance.

Can fafsa ask for bank statements?

The FAFSA will require disclosure of financial information, including bank account balances, by the student applicant and also from the student’s parents if the student is classified as a dependent student.

What income does fafsa check?

For parents and students, the FAFSA utilizes the Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) figure from the relevant tax return as a starting point for income-related calculations.

Does fafsa check gross or net income?

To assess taxed income, the FAFSA uses the adjusted gross income (AGI) reported in your tax return. It uses the tax return from two years prior to the date the student plans to enroll in college.