Users questions

What is orchestra seating?

What is orchestra seating?

Orchestra Section Considered the best tickets in the house, these seats are on the main level of the theatre and offer the closest seating to the stage. The Orchestra is usually divided into 3 sections with a left and right aisle (though this can vary from theatre to theatre).

Are orchestra seats good?

Music Box Theatre Orchestra The seats in the centre are known to be the most ideal in the house, with rows E to L offering the best view of the stage. Though most seats in the left and right sections offer a good view of the stage, seats on the far left and far right offer a partially obstructed view of the stage.

What are the best seats at an orchestra?

The best seats in most concert halls for both acoustics and sight lines are in a section of the hall often called the “Dress Circle.” This is typically the first section at the front of the balcony.

What are the seats called in a Theatre?

Balconies or galleries: one or more raised seating platforms towards the rear of the auditorium. In larger theaters, multiple levels are stacked vertically above or behind the stalls. The first level is usually called the dress circle or grand circle. The next level may be the loge, from the French version of loggia.

Where does the orchestra sit in a Theatre?

Orchestra or Orchestra Pit: In productions where live music is required, such as ballet, folk-dance groups, opera, and musicals, the orchestra is positioned in front and below of the stage in a pit.

How deep is an orchestra pit?

It is now being revealed to be as commodious as any, measuring 45 feet by 14 feet with a floor that is 11 feet below the stage level and nine feet below the house floor.

What are the 4 separate sections of a theater?

Sections of the Theater

  • The Orchestra. The main floor of the theater is called the Orchestra.
  • Balconies. In some theaters the balconies have special names like Loge, or Founders’ Circle, or Dress Circle.
  • Boxes.
  • Standing room.
  • Special seating.
  • Visual obstructions.

What is the back of a stage called?

The backstage areas of the theatre are known as Rear of House (ROH). House curtains. 1) One or more raised seating platforms towards the rear of the auditorium.

What are the types of props?

Types of props

  • Prop weapons.
  • Stunt props.
  • Hero props.
  • Prop money.

What does give you props mean?

English Language Learners Definition of props US slang. : something that is said to publicly thank and give special attention to someone for doing something : credit or recognition.