Users questions

What is Option ROM prompt?

What is Option ROM prompt?

Option ROM Prompt (enable/disable). Enabling this feature will cause the system to display a message before loading option ROMs. (This feature is supported on some models only.)

What is Intel LAN OpROM?

Quick Review of LAN Boot ROM This is where the LAN Boot ROM BIOS option comes in. When enabled, the motherboard will load the Gigabit LAN controller’s boot ROM when it boots up. This allows the LAN controller to operate at its full 1000 Mbps speed with operating systems that do not have proper driver support.

What is boot from onboard LAN?

To implement such a boot, in many BIOSes, there is an Onboard LAN boot ROM option or similar options. This feature allows the user to enable or disable the boot mode of the remote operating system using the network card built into the motherboard.


pxe oprom lets you boot from the network, probably don’t touch it. if it works don’t touch the storage one, but uefi might be needed, depends on the type of boot drive. This only affects pcie storage devices.

Is UEFI faster than legacy?

Nowadays, UEFI gradually replaces the traditional BIOS on most modern PCs as it includes more security features than the legacy BIOS mode and also boots faster than Legacy systems. If your computer supports UEFI firmware, you should convert MBR disk to GPT disk to use UEFI boot instead of BIOS.

Can Windows 10 be installed on MBR?

So why now with this latest Windows 10 release version the options to install windows 10 doesn’t allow windows to be installed with MBR disk .

How do I know if my windows is UEFI or legacy?


  1. Launch a Windows virtual machine.
  2. Click the Search icon on the Taskbar and type in msinfo32 , then press Enter.
  3. System Information window will open. Click on the System Summary item. Then locate BIOS Mode and check the type of BIOS, Legacy or UEFI.

Can Windows 7 boot in UEFI mode?

Note: Windows 7 UEFI boot needs the support of mainboard. Please check in firmware first whether your computer has UEFI boot option. If not, your Windows 7 will never boot up in UEFI mode. Last but not least, 32-bit Windows 7 can’t be installed on the GPT disk.