What is NaBr made from?

What is NaBr made from?

NaBr is produced by treating sodium hydroxide with hydrogen bromide. Sodium bromide can be used as a source of the chemical element bromine.

Is chlorine a good conductor of electricity?

Chlorine is a non-metal substance and hence it is a bad conductor of heat and electricity. Since the ions or electrons in a non-metal are bonded with covalent bonds therefore, their electron does not have a tendency to move in the outer nucleus. Therefore, it cannot work as a conductor.

Is Lemon a conductor of electricity?

Complete answer: Lemon juice has citric acid in it. When lemon juice is added to water, the acid dissociates into anions and cations which are charged. Hence they can conduct electricity as these charged particles are able to flow inside the acid. Even though lemon as well as vinegar are weak conductors of electricity.

Is sugar a good conductor of electricity?

Sugar solution is not a good conductor of electricity. Water can conduct electricity only when charged ions are present in it. When sugar is dissolved in water, it does not create ions in water. Therefore, sugar solution is not a conductor of electricity.

Is Salt charged or uncharged?

When an acid, a base, or a salt is dissolved in water, the molecules break into electrically charged particles called ions. Uncharged molecules that dissolve in water, like sugar, do not conduct electricity.

Is hot water a conductor of electricity?

In fact, it’s a very powerful conductor! The temperature of the water plays a large role in how well it conducts electricity. Hot water conducts better in general. One reason that we might want to estimate the conductivity of some water is to find the amount of solids that are dissolved in it, such as salt.

Which liquid is a good conductor of electricity?

Liquids as a good and bad conductor When salt is dissolved in distilled water, we obtain a salt solution. This solution is a conductor of electricity. Tap water is a good conductor of electricity as small amounts of mineral salts are naturally present in it.

What is the strongest conductor of electricity?

Silver. Silver is the strongest conductor out of all known materials. However, because silver is a relatively costly and sought-after material, it is not frequently used for its conductive properties. In cases where an extremely conductive material is essential, copper may be coated with a thin layer of liquid silver.

Which solution has highest conductivity?

Solution : Highest electrical conductivity in water is of Cs+ ion. This is due to extent of hydration, which is maximum in Li+.

What is a conductive liquid?

The conductivity of a liquid is a measure of charged particles, called ions, that are free to move around. A liquid solution consisting of compounds that completely break apart into ions have a high conductivity. Table salt NaCl dissolved in water is an example of a high conductive solution.

Is alcohol electrically conductive?

Alcohol (isopropyl alcohol, ethanol and isopropanol) is a polar solvent (very conductive) and is potentially corrosive (contains water).