Users questions

What is line agency in public administration?

What is line agency in public administration?

Line Agencies: The administrative agencies which perform the functions that directly contribute to the achievement of primary or main purpose of Government organization, directing, making decision, command, control and supervision are “Line agencies”.

What is an auxiliary agency?

AUXILIARY agencies is a term usually applied to include those ed. tional services which are supplementary to the regular school pro. For purposes of convenience, the areas included for research stud. six in number, namely, (a) pupil personnel services, (b) food serv.

What are staff agencies and functions?

Staff agencies serve in a support capacity, and they aid the chief executive and other administrators by offering advice and other assistance in the management of the organization.

What is difference between line and staff?

Staff and line are names given to different types of functions in organizations. A “line function” is one that directly advances an organization in its core work. A “staff function” supports the organization with specialized advisory and support functions. …

Which agency advise and assist line agency in its activities?

The line agencies directly work for the achievements of the organizational purpose, the staff agencies advise and assist the line agencies in their activities, and the auxiliary agencies provide common house – keeping services to the line agencies.

Is an example of a line position?

A line position is directly involved in the day-to-day operations of the organization, such as producing or selling a product or service. Line positions are occupied by line personnel and line managers. An example of a line manager is a marketing executive.

Who is a line staff in a school system?

Line-staff organization, in management, approach in which authorities (e.g., managers) establish goals and directives that are then fulfilled by staff and other workers. A line-staff organizational structure attempts to render a large and complex enterprise more flexible without sacrificing managerial authority.

Is it possible to draw a line between management and Organisation?

Drawing up an organizational chart is simple on the surface of it. Rectangles listing positions are arranged in rows according to management level. Lines are drawn between those who are directly connected in an authority-subordinate relationship. This vertical structure gives a chain of command.

What is a line organizational structure?

Line organizational structure is one of the simplest types of organizational structures. Its authority flows from top to bottom. Unlike other structures, specialized and supportive services do not take place in these organizations. The chain of command and each department head has control over their departments.

What are some of the primary differences between a line structure and a line and staff structure?

Line and staff organization is the organization structure, in which there is a normal departmentation of the regular business operations, and there is the functional specialist to perform specialised activities. While line authority relies on command, line and staff authority is based on command and advise.

What are the five organizational structures in project management?

  • Organic or Simple Organization. This type of organization is very flexible and able to adapt well to market changes.
  • Line Organization.
  • Line and Staff Organization.
  • Functional Organization.
  • Divisional Organization.
  • Project Organization.
  • Matrix Organization.
  • Virtual Organization.

What is project based organizational structure?

Project-based organizational structures borrow from those based on hierarchies, functions and operations. They use a matrix organization where essential company functions are maintained in a management structure, while the work is carried out in project-based groups that have a hierarchical structure.

What is a project team structure?

The project team includes the project manager and the group of individuals who work together on a project to achieve its objectives. It consists of the project manager, project management staff, and other team members who are maybe not directly involved with management but carry out the work related to the project.

What is an example of a project team?

Project teams are groups of employees who work collectively toward shared goals. For example, the team could be at a trade show one day developing sales leads and be back at work the next day working on a new product.