Users questions

What is liberation spirituality?

What is liberation spirituality?

Humanity’s distinctive kind of being is defined by its inner or spiritual freedom. A liberation spirituality is committed to the service of human freedom or self-determination as a primary this-worldly object that is worthy of this commitment.

What is liberation of soul?

Sanskrit moksha or Prakrit mokkha refers to the liberation or salvation of a soul from saṃsāra, the cycle of birth and death. A liberated soul is said to have attained its true and pristine nature of infinite bliss, infinite knowledge and infinite perception. Such a soul is called siddha and is revered in Jainism.

What is duality in spirituality?

The Spiritual Law of Duality basically states that everything is on a continuum and has a complementary opposite within the whole. To use an old adage, there may be two sides of a coin but there is only one coin. In other words, things that appear as opposites are in fact only two extremes of the same thing.

How does Jesus liberate us from sin?

The ransom theory of atonement says that Christ liberated humanity from slavery to sin and Satan, and thus death, by giving his own life as a ransom sacrifice to Satan, swapping the life of the perfect (Jesus), for the lives of the imperfect (other humans).

Why did Jesus have to die in order for you to be saved?

For them the death of Jesus was part of a divine plan to save humanity. The death and resurrection of this one man is at the very heart of the Christian faith. For Christians it is through Jesus’s death that people’s broken relationship with God is restored.

What does the Bible say about the image of God?

New Testament 1 Corinthians 11:7: For a man ought not to have his head covered, since he is God’s image and glory; but the woman is the glory of the man.

What is the throne in heaven?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Throne of God is the reigning centre of God in the Abrahamic religions: primarily Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The throne is said by various holy books to reside beyond the Seventh Heaven and is called Araboth (Hebrew: עֲרָבוֹת‎ ‘ărāḇōṯ) in Judaism, and al-‘Arsh in Islam.

What does Paul say about heaven?

In 2 Corinthians Paul the Apostle writes, “I know a person in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know; God knows.

What is the Apocalypse of Paul?

The Apocalypse of Paul (Apocalypsis Pauli, more commonly known in the Latin tradition as the Visio Pauli or Visio sancti Pauli) is a fourth-century non-canonical apocalypse considered part of the New Testament apocrypha.

How does God explain heaven?

It is primarily God’s dwelling place in the biblical tradition: a parallel realm where everything operates according to God’s will. Heaven is a place of peace, love, community, and worship, where God is surrounded by a heavenly court and other heavenly beings.