Users questions

What is Gcss-army training?

What is Gcss-army training?

DESCRIPTION. Global Combat Support System-Army (GCSS-Army) is one program with two components. The first component, GCSS-Army Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Solution, is an automated information system that serves as the primary tactical logistics enabler supporting Army and joint transformation for sustainment.

How do you become a Gcss in the army?

In order to access the GCSS-Army system, you must have either a . mil network connection or VPN capability to a ….For a more in depth look into the functionality of GTRAC, including:

  1. Accessing GTRAC.
  2. Registration.
  3. Web-Based Training.
  4. Wave 2 NET.
  5. Wave 2 New Equipment Refresher Training.
  6. Assessments.
  7. Certificates of Completion.

How do I submit a Gcss-army help desk ticket?

Provide the following as a minimum when requesting Help Desk support via email and telephonically:

  1. Subject – Include “GCSS-Army” in the Subject line if submitting incident reports via e-mail.
  2. Contact Info – UIC,Name, Phone #, AKO e-mail (and/or alternate email address), Unit/Office.

Is Gcss an army SAP?

A state-of-the-art, web-based, logistics and finance system based upon commercial best business practices and off-the-shelf (SAP) software, GCSS Army will serve as an automated combat enabler for soldiers.

What systems did Gcss army replace?

GCSS–Army: Wave 1 Is Done GCSS–Army replaces current tactical logistics management in- formation systems, including the Standard Army Retail Supply System (SARSS), Property Book Unit Supply Enhanced (PBUSE) and Standard Army Maintenance System– Enhanced (SAMS–E).

What does G Army stand for?

GCSS-Army is based on commercial enterprise resource planning (ERP) software and has become the infrastructure for one of the largest ERP systems in the Department of Defense. …

What is Zpark in Gcss army?

In GCSS-Army, a supply request generates a purchase requisition that flows to ZPARK for an approval/release strategy. [ZPARK, which is similar to the shopping cart on a merchant’s website, allows a user to validate financial status and supply requests.]

Can you use wild cards in the Find dialog box?

On the Find tab, click in the Find What box. Because you don’t know the number of letters preceding the no and chi, in your search term you’ll use the asterisk (*) wildcard, which can stand in for any number of alphanumeric characters.

Which of the following is a valid reason to create a variant for a report that you often run?

A variant ensures consistency in reporting, because you are always using the same selection criteria. A variant reduces the amount of time it takes to run a report. A variant reduces the amount of manual data entry required by completing some fields.

How do you set a layout as your default layout?

Select ‘Settings -> Layout -> Administration’ from the menu bar. Select ‘Default Setting’ row from the required layout and save. You can change any layout as default layout by select layout administration default settings.

What is the function of the multiple selection button Gcss army?

Multiple Selection. The Multiple Selection button serves the same function as the multiple selection arrow button that appears next to a field. Clicking this button brings up a list of all available options that are valid for the selected field.

What function found on some initial report screens can you use to display additional fields when entering selection criteria?

What function (found on some initial report screens) can you use to display additional fields for entering selection criteria? Create variantDynamic SelectionsAdd FieldSelection Options 7.

What triggers the dismantle install process?

Explanation: To trigger the dismantle process, the end item needs to be removed.

What status is used to indicate the severity of a notification in the equipment situation report?

A Technical Status is set by the User to identify the severity of a notification (fault or shortcoming) for a piece of equipment. 5. Which operational status symbol is used to indicate the equipment non-mission due to a maintenance requirement?

Why would you execute a purchase order status report?

Why would you execute a purchase order status report using transaction code ZPROSTAT? Both to display a list of Purchase Orders for Provisions and to display a list of Purchase orders for Stock.

What is the Print physical inventory document used for Gcss army?

51 Cards in this Set

A dispatch has been created by you ERPS and requires multiple approvers, a workflow message is sent to each of their Inbox in Business Workplace (SBWP) – Mod 191
What T-CODE is used to Create Physical Inventory Document MI31
What T-CODE is used to Print Physical Inventory Document MI21

What is the printed physical inventory document used for?

You use printouts of the physical inventory document to perform the physical inventory of the storage bins.