What is excess Choler?
What is excess Choler?
1. Anger; irritability. 2. a. One of the four humors of ancient and medieval physiology, thought to cause anger and bad temper when present in excess; yellow bile.
What does Choler mean?
yellow bile
What does valiant mean in Romeo and Juliet?
-Romeo & Juliet Act 1. valiant. having or showing heroism or courage. That you are now a maid.
What does Colliers mean in Romeo and Juliet?
colliers, a term of contempt, not merely from their being ready to carry coals, i.e., put up with insults, but from the blackness of their appearance. So, in T.N. iii. 4.130, Satan for his blackness is called “foul collier.” Back to Romeo and Juliet (1.1)
Why did Romeo want to kill himself?
Romeo kills himself because he would rather be with Juliet in death than go on living without her. Having proven himself to be wildly passionate and quick to take action, Romeo prioritizes his love for Juliet. He acts on his deep sorrow over the loss instead of trying to imagine how to live his life after the tragedy.
Why is Juliet to blame for the deaths?
The evidence shows that Juliet is responsible for her death as well as Romeo because Romeo believed her fake death was real and died for her as she would have for him. Overall, Juliet is most responsible because of her desperation for Romeo’s love and her doubts.
Did Romeo die first?
Romeo died first. He thought Juliet died, & committed suicide. Juliet awoke, & found Romeo dead, so she killed herself for real.
What is the ending of Romeo and Juliet?
At the end of Romeo and Juliet , Romeo returns to Verona because he believes Juliet is dead. When he arrives at her tomb she appears lifeless, and in his grief he kills himself by drinking poison. Moments later Juliet wakes, and, finding Romeo dead, she plunges his sword into her breast.
What does thumb biting symbolize in Romeo and Juliet?
The gesture is also a traditional Sicilian insult meaning ‘to hell with you’. – The thumb-biting, as an essentially meaningless gesture, represents the foolishness of the entire Capulet/Montague feud and the stupidity of violence in general.
What does biting your finger mean?
Many people bite their nails or occasionally find themselves chewing on a hangnail, but if you find yourself compulsively biting and eating the skin on your hands and fingers, you may have dermatophagia. Dermatophagia is what’s known as a body-focused repetitive behavior (BFRB).