What is euphony in English?

What is euphony in English?

1 : pleasing or sweet sound especially : the acoustic effect produced by words so formed or combined as to please the ear. 2 : a harmonious succession of words having a pleasing sound.

What is the purpose of euphony?

The purpose of using euphony is to bring about peaceful and pleasant feelings in a piece of literary work. The readers enjoy reading such pieces of literature or poems. The long vowels create more melodious effect than short vowels and consonants, making the sounds harmonious and soothing.

What is the difference between euphony and cacophony?

As nouns the difference between euphony and cacophony is that euphony is a pronunciation of letters and syllables which is pleasing to the ear while cacophony is a mix of discordant sounds; dissonance.

What does slumberous mean?

1 : heavy with sleep : sleepy. 2 : inducing slumber : soporific. 3 : marked by or suggestive of a state of sleep or lethargy a slumberous state of peace.

What’s another word for deep sleep?


Is slumberous a word?

adjective. sleepy; heavy with drowsiness, as the eyelids. causing or inducing sleep. pertaining to, characterized by, or suggestive of slumber.

How do you use squall in a sentence?

The morning promised sunshine but dealt us a fierce squall of wind and rain just as we unpacked the minibus. We were sailing along quite happily in a good force 4 when we were hit by a squall . squall line 1840 with 5 mm hail turning to heavy snow.

How do you use the word slumber in a sentence?

Slumber sentence example

  1. However, she fell into a deep slumber soon after she lay down.
  2. Once Howie succumbed to slumber , his sleep was anything but peaceful.
  3. I was certain he’d awake at the sound but his slumber was so deep he didn’t move.

What does it say about sleep in the Bible?

Jesus said, “Sleep and take your rest later on” (Matthew 26:45). There’s a time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3:1). While sleeping in place of physically working is definitely condemned in the Bible, perhaps what is even more hurtful to ourselves is when we sleep in place of prayer.