Users questions

What is BTO work?

What is BTO work?

BENEFIT TIME OFF (BTO) AND EXTENDED SICK LEAVE (ESL) Regular employees will accrue paid time off benefits each pay period which may be used to supplement pay for holiday, vacations, sickness, and personal leave with supervisor approval.

What is BTO in relationship?

Today, many couples apply for a BTO (Build-To-Order) flat before proposing. Marriage comes a little later, and it can happen before or after getting the keys to their home. Logically, it makes more sense. It’s pragmatic, as the wait for a BTO can be (dreadfully) long.

What happens to BTO after divorce?

You and your spouse are free to mutually agree on what should happen to the HDB flat after divorce. Alternatively, both of you may decide to sell the flat and split the sale proceeds in a certain proportion. Your decision on the HDB flat will be recorded in a court judgment during an ancillary matters hearing.

Where should I live after divorce?

6 Tips for Finding Your Own Place After Divorce

  1. Consider What You Can Afford When Finding a Place.
  2. Consider Staying Close to Your Children.
  3. Consider Your Job Situation.
  4. Consider Proximity to Family.
  5. Consider Proximity to Friends.
  6. Consider What Your Future Plans Are.

Can a divorcee buy a BTO?

Since March 2018, divorcees can purchase or own a subsidised flat immediately upon ending their marriage. Thus, you may consider either purchasing a new BTO flat under the Assistance Scheme for Second-Timers (ASSIST) or a resale flat.

Can I cancel my BTO application?

BTO application stage However, there can be other drawbacks, if you cancel your BTO application a second time round. Unless you can give HDB a good reason, cancelling your application twice will cause them to revoke your First-Timer Applicant priority, for a period of 12 months.

What happens if you reject BTO?

If it’s your second time rejecting: When you reject two chances to select a flat, your first-timer priority will be suspended for a year. Your subsequent flat applications will be placed under the second-timer category for a year. More information on failing to book flats here and cancelling flat applications here.

Can you BTO twice?

Under current regulations, all eligible Singaporeans can acquire two subsidised Build-to-Order (BTO) flats from the Housing and Development Board (HDB), with a resale levy paid for the second acquisition.

Can I apply for BTO twice?

TL;DR answer: while you have a current HDB BTO ballot number and are waiting to book your flat, you MAY continue to apply for a flat in another sales exercise as long as you have YET to book a flat. And by sales exercise, I mean that you can apply for: another BTO launch. Sale of Balance Flats (SBF)

How do I use BTO 2020?

HDB BTO 2020 – step-by-step guide to BTO application

  1. HDB BTO ELIGIBILITY CHECK. In order to buy an HDB BTO flat, you’ve got to first be eligible.

How do you qualify for BTO?

To buy a BTO flat, you must: Be at least one citizen, applying with at least one other citizen or PR as a family nucleus, meaning spouse and kids (if any), parents and siblings (if any), or children under your legal custody (only for widowed/divorced applicants)

How much does it cost to buy a BTO?

Total initial cost required

3-Room HDB BTO flat 2-Bedroom private condominium
Selling price $180,000 $900,000
Loan amount $162,000 (assuming HDB Concessionary Loan and 90% LTV) $675,000 (private bank loan at 75% LTV)
Cash and CPF downpayment $18,000 $225,000
Legal fees $181.45 $1,500

How long does HDB BTO take to complete?

about 3 to 4 years

How much should I pay for HDB BTO?

First $30,000: $0.90 per $1,000. Next $30,000: $0.72 per $1,000. Remaining Amount: $0.60 per $1,000.

Can I BTO If I own a HDB?

Yes you still can purchase the BTO, but there are condition to match. Do take note that you will first need to serve the 5-year MOP before you are eligible to apply for a BTO. You will also need to pay a resale levy (from $30-50k, depending on your flat size) in CASH, upon the sale of your current HDB flat.

Can you own 2 HDB?

Can I buy a second HDB flat? Yes, you may purchase a second HDB flat. However, you will need to sell your current HDB unit within six months of collecting the keys of the new flat.

Can single apply 3-room BTO?

However, unmarried individuals are restricted to 2-room* flexi units only, even if there are multiple co-applicants. The November 2020 HDB BTO exercise saw 2,564 applicants for 2-room Flexi units (2.6 applicants per unit), and 23,691 applicants for 3-room and bigger units (4.9 applicants per unit).

How many times can I apply for BTO?

2 time