Users questions

What is Basale called in English?

What is Basale called in English?

Malabar Spinach is also known as Ceylon spinach, Buffalo spinach, Indian spinach, Red vine spinach, Vine spinach. In Kannada it is known as Basale Soppu, in Sanskrit it is known as Upodika, and in Hindi it is known as Poi. The botanical name is Basella alba and belongs to Basellaceae (Basella) family.

Is Alugbati a medicinal plant?

Alugbati / Basella rubra L./ Malabar nightshade / spinach vine: Philippine Medicinal Herbs / Philippine Alternative Medicine. Basella alba Linn.

What does Alugbati taste like?

The taste of alugbati is a bit similar to camote tops and they are also similar when it comes to health benefits and uses. Alugbati is also considered as medicinal plant. The leaves as I mentioned is a very good laxative that aids to relieve constipation because of its fiber content.

Is Malabar spinach high in oxalic acid?

Just like spring spinach, Malabar spinach also contains oxalic acid (a natural-occurring substance found in some vegetables). Due to its climbing habit, Malabar spinach would be an excellent addition to a patio or vertical garden and would be very content growing in a pot with a trellis of some sort.

How do you preserve Alugbati?

If harvested with the roots intact, keep the bundles fresh for up to 7 days by letting them stand in a basin filled with water. For home consumption, pack alugbati in a styrofore boxes then store in the refrigerator to keep them fresh for up to 14 days.

Why do we need to properly store the vegetables?

Storing fresh fruits and vegetables properly is very important. Safe storage can keep you from getting sick from a food borne illness. Fresh fruits and vegetables should be stored unwashed. However, fruits and vegetables that are very dirty after harvest can be rinsed and dried well before storing.

How can I make Kangkong last longer?

5 Tips in Keeping Fresh Vegetables Longer

  1. Do not wash vegetables before storing.
  2. Wrap leafy vegetables in paper towel then place in a plastic bag before refrigerating.
  3. Put root crops and bulbs in a dark plastic bag.
  4. Remove damaged or spoiled vegetables from the group.
  5. Store herbs in a cup of cold water.

How do you propagate Alugbati?

Alugbati is usually planted in home gardens using cuttings. Use mature stem cuttings 20–25 cm long with at least 3 internodes. Soak the cuttings in water overnight or store in a damp, shady area for 1-2 days. Plant 2–4 cuttings at 15–20 cm between hills and 20–30 cm between rows.

Can you grow spinach in the Philippines?

Spinach is a cool weather plant so the best time to start sowing the seeds in a tropical zone like the Philippines is around November. Sprinkle a few tiny seeds directly into a medium sized container of about 5- 6 inches in depth. Cover them lightly with a thin layer of soil and then water the soil bed deeply.

Can you grow spinach from leaves?

Spinach is a cool-weather crop. Either cut off all the leaves about an inch or so above the soil level and let the whole plant grow back (this technique will usually produce two or three crops), or simply harvest the largest leaves as you need them.

How do you plant kangkong?

To Propagate Kangkong Propagate kangkong easily from seeds or through stem cuttings. Sow the seeds in a seed tray or directly into a medium sized container pot. Make sure to allow a minimum of 3- inches of distance in between the seeds. They germinate quite easily in a matter of days.

Can I plant kangkong in soil?

Kangkong or water spinach can be propagated either by seeds or by cuttings. Sow the seeds in fresh potting soil (sow about 0.5 centimeters deep). Ensure that you keep the seeds consistently moist. Also, remember that temperature should remain around 68 F (20 C).

Can you eat kangkong raw?

Kang kong has a mild flavour and can be used raw in salads as well as lightly cooked. In many parts of Asia it is eaten stir fried with chilli, garlic or a savoury paste. When preparing, it is best to strip the leaves from the stems and slice the stems diagonally.

Is Kangkong high in protein?

Kangkong is relatively high in beta-carotene, natural antioxidants, protein, carbohydrates, and dietary fibers.

What is the best vegetable for high blood pressure?

Here are the 17 best foods for high blood pressure.

  • Celery.
  • Tomatoes and tomato products.
  • Broccoli.
  • Greek yogurt.
  • Herbs and spices.
  • Chia and flax seeds.
  • Beets, beet greens, and beet juice.
  • Spinach. Like beets, spinach is high in nitrates.