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What is another word for trench?

What is another word for trench?

Trench Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for trench?

ditch fosse
excavation furrow
gutter pit
waterway conduit
dike foss

What is the meaning of trench in science?

Seafloor. Ocean trenches are long, narrow depressions on the seafloor. These chasms are the deepest parts of the ocean—and some of the deepest natural spots on Earth.

What is an example of an ocean trench?

Ocean trenches exist in all the world’s oceans. They include the Philippine Trench, Tonga Trench, the South Sandwich Trench, the Eurasian Basin and Malloy Deep, the Diamantina Trench, the Puerto Rican Trench, and the Mariana.

What animals live in the trench zone?

Animals & Plants in the Hadal Zone

  • Amphipods. Amphipods are soft-shelled crustaceans resembling large fleas.
  • Decapods. Primarily lobsters, crabs and prawns, these creatures were spotted at around 7,000 meters by scientists.
  • Rat-Tail Fish.
  • Liparid Fish.
  • Challenger Deep.

How deep is the trench zone?

6,000 meters

What fish live in the trenches?

Snail fishes have adapted to go deeper than any other fish and can live in the deepest trenches.

What creatures are in the Mariana Trench?

At the deepest point of the ocean thrive strange creatures you have never seen before

  • Scientific name: Grimpoteuthis.
  • Comb Jellies.
  • Scientific name: Ctenophora.
  • Benthocodon.
  • Scientific name: Benthocodon hyalinus.
  • Deep Sea HatchetFish.
  • Scientific name: Argyropelecus Gigas.
  • Scientific name: Opisthoproctidae.

Can anything live in the Mariana Trench?

A few manned and unmanned vehicles have parted the waters of the trench in recent years, proving that there are indeed organisms living and even thriving in this nearly alien environment. Fittingly, some of these critters are wonderfully strange.

Is Megalodon in Mariana Trench?

A 2016 clip, referred to by Daily Star and believed to have been filmed in the Mariana Trench – appears to show an enormous shark scouring the sea floor. While some believe the footage is proof that megalodons are not extinct, many were quick to point out that it actually shows a docile Pacific sleeper shark.

Are there sharks in the Mariana Trench?

According to website Exemplore: “While it may be true that Megalodon lives in the upper part of the water column over the Mariana Trench, it probably has no reason to hide in its depths. “There’s no food for it down there, and no other shark species are known to thrive that deep.

Are Megalodons still alive in 2020?

Megalodon is NOT alive today, it went extinct around 3.5 million years ago.

Are there sea monsters in the Mariana Trench?

Despite its immense distance from everywhere else, life seems to be abundant in the Trench. Recent expeditions have found myriad creatures living out their lives at the bottom of the sea-floor. Xenophyophores, amphipods, and holothurians (not the names of alien species, I promise) all call the trench home.

Can you swim above the Mariana Trench?

Swimmers are usually used to connect and disconnect diving bells and submarines used to research the depths. It is no more dangerous or safe than the rest of the ocean.

Is the Mariana Trench deeper than we think?

The Challenger Deep is nearly three times deeper than that. A map of the Western Pacific Ocean showing the location of Marianas Trench and Kermadec Trench. Challenger Deep is the deepest point of the Marianas Trench. The Sirena Deep is the second-deepest part.

What would happen to your body in the Mariana Trench?

The pressure from the water would push in on the person’s body, causing any space that’s filled with air to collapse. (The air would be compressed.) So, the lungs would collapse.

Where is Mariana trench depth?

How deep is the Mariana Trench? The Trench sits like a crescent-shaped dent in the floor of the Pacific Ocean, extending over 1500 miles long with an average width around 43 miles and a depth of almost 7 miles (or just under 36,201 feet).

How deep is the Cayman Trench?

25,216 feet

How deep the sea is?

about 12,100 feet