Users questions

What is another word for most intelligent?

What is another word for most intelligent?

What is another word for very intelligent?

precocious brilliant
accomplished bright
gifted intellectual
smart talented
astute ingenious

What word ends with est?

8-letter words that end in est

  • interest.
  • manifest.
  • conquest.
  • furthest.
  • farthest.
  • reinvest.
  • posttest.
  • slugfest.

What is another word for est?

What is another word for EST?

shock therapy ECT
electrotherapy psychosurgery
convulsive therapy electroconvulsive therapy
shock treatment electroshock
electroshock therapy electric shock therapy

How do you say very intelligent?


  1. genius. adjective. informal very clever or original.
  2. intelligent. adjective. good at thinking clearly and quickly, at understanding difficult ideas and subjects, and at gaining and using knowledge.
  3. wise. adjective.
  4. brilliant. adjective.
  5. clever. adjective.
  6. bright. adjective.
  7. brainy. adjective.
  8. discerning. adjective.

What is highly intelligent?

“A highly intelligent person is one who is flexible in their thinking and can adapt to changes, they think before they speak or act, and they’re able to effectively manage their emotions,” Dr. You may possess other qualities that show off your intelligence, like having the ability to easily connect with others.

What is a superlative ending in EST?

Superlatives That Add -est. One-syllable adjectives, such as “small,” add -est to create the superlative “smallest”. While most two-syllable adjectives also add -est, they can use “most” or “least” before the word instead, such as “gentlest” or “most gentle.” It just depends on your preferred style.

What is another word for Eastern time?

America’s time zone is colloquially known as Eastern Time. Eastern Time or ET is the catch-all term for Eastern Standard Time and Eastern Daylight Saving Time (which we will get to a minute).

What is a simile for intelligent?

Very intelligent or clever, as in Little Brian is smart as a whip; he’s only three and already learning to read. This simile alludes to the sharp crack of a whip. [Mid-1900s] Also see mind like a steel trap.