Users questions

What is another word for am?

What is another word for am?

In this page you can discover 17 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for a.m., like: after midnight, morning, early hours, wee-hours, before noon, forenoon, antemeridian, dawn, , late morning and sunup.

What is the meaning of I am in?

“I am in”, the way you heard it used, means “I will join you (in a given endeavour)”, “I will participate (in the endeavour)”, “you can count on me”, “you can include me in your plans”. The opposite also exists, “I’m out”. Meaning “I’m no longer participating”, “I’m not onboard anymore”.

What can I write instead of I am writing to you?

The informal version of “…to inform you…” is “…to let you know…”; it turns out the pairing “I am writing to let you know…” (both informal) is much more common than “I write to let you know…” (mixed formal/informal) by 8,840 to 5,960.

Is inform formal?

Although these verbs are synonymous, tell is the least formal, inform more formal and notify the most formal.

What information do you have about something?

Dealing with the subject of, about, or concerning something. “Information on something” would be information that is really in-depth, and quite into details. i.e. A study on history, or A book on biomedicine. It would be much better to use “information about something” in this case.

What do you call a person who gives information?

informant; person who gives information.

How do you express creativity?

Try one of the things in this post to get you started.

  1. Get Vibrant with Paint. I know you may be thinking that you are not a painter so why would you ever do this?
  2. Get Creative with Words. Words have long been a way we can freely express who we are creatively.
  3. Explore your Senses with Baking.

What is an example of creativity?

Examples of creative thinking skills include: problem solving, writing, visual art, communication skills, and open-mindedness. To show your creative thinking skills on a resume or during a job interview, don’t just list them: provide real-life examples of how you used them.

What is another word for self-expression?

What is another word for self-expression?

assertiveness creativity
expressing your identity expressiveness
individualism making a statement
making yourself heard

Why do we need self-expression?

Self-expression involves any activity where we can transfer the energy from our thoughts and feelings into another form. And, usually, this makes us feel better. When we express our feelings honestly, we are better equipped to deal with them because we actually know what we are feeling instead of denying it.

What are the benefits of self-expression?

The Power of Self-Expression

  • Art gives us the ability to express ourselves in ways that nothing else can.
  • Self-expression allows us to understand ourselves and process our emotions.
  • Research conducted at the Georgetown Behavioral Health Institute confirms that self-expression in the arts positively affects mood, function, cognition, and behavior.

What is the importance of expression?

Freedom of expression is a core value in the democratic process. It ensures people are able to discuss, exchange, and debate ideas. This human right allows individuals and communities to find information which is important to them and share it with others, without censorship or reprisals.