What is an example of prodigious?

What is an example of prodigious?

Prodigious is defined as something very big or powerful, or something extraordinary. A tall, huge wave that comes rolling into shore is an example of something prodigious. An example of someone prodigious is a child who is gifted at playing piano at a young age.

What does prodigious mean in the crucible?

extraordinary in bulk, quantity

What does conjure mean in the crucible?

summon into action or bring into existence

What does daft mean in the crucible?

foolish or mentally irregular

What does Faction mean in the crucible?

faction (noun) (1) a small group of people, usually contentious, within a larger group.

What does pointy reckoning mean?

pointy reckoning the act or process of getting even or getting revenge.

What does gibbet mean in the crucible?

The gallows, to hang a body

Why does Parris believe that Proctor is leading a faction against him?

Parris contends that Proctor does not have the right to defy his religious authority. He reminds Proctor that Salem is not a community of Quakers, and he advises Proctor to inform his “followers” of this fact. Parris declares that Proctor belongs to a faction in the church conspiring against him.

What is John Proctor’s attitude towards going to court?

He is angry at Mary for going to court and neglecting her duties as their servent . Mary changes because now she has power, which as a young girl and servant, she has never had anything like that before. Proctor has very strong feelings against the court and Reverend Parris.

Why does John not like Parris?

John Proctor seems to feel that Reverend Parris’s priorities are misplaced, and Parris resents Proctor’s willingness to question and disobey him. The first time they disagree in the play is over Parris’s salary. Further, Proctor seems to feel that Parris, as a minister, does not do a good job.

Who does John Proctor not like?

Honest, upright, and blunt-spoken, Proctor is a good man, but one with a secret, fatal flaw. His lust for Abigail Williams led to their affair (which occurs before the play begins), and created Abigail’s jealousy of his wife, Elizabeth, which sets the entire witch hysteria in motion.

What will happen to Proctor if he tries to discredit Abby?

What will happen to Proctor if he tries to discredit Abby or tell everone she’s lying? She will tell that she and John Proctor had an affair. She will claim that she has seen him with the devil.