Users questions

What is an example of a short fuse?

What is an example of a short fuse?

Example(s): She is rather a nice and calm person, but whenever her ex-husband calls her, she finds she is on a short fuse. Don’t make him angry! He has got a short fuse!

Why do I have a short fuse lately?

There are two aspects here. Why your fuse is so short, and how you can be more in control of yourself. There may be physical reasons for your volatile mood – such as blood-sugar, thyroid or hormonal imbalances, food intolerances, toxins, tiredness or high levels of stress hormones.

What is the meaning of shorting?

Definition: In capital markets, the act of selling a security at a given price without possessing it and purchasing it later at a lower price is known as shorting. Once shorting is done, the purchase of the same securities in order to book profit/loss is known as short covering.

What fused means?

If something’s fused, it’s connected or joined to something else. Fused wires have been soldered together, and fused families are connected through love, marriage, or children. When two things are fused, they become one fused whole — permanently attached and combined.

Why are fuses used?

Fuses are sacrificial devices used to protect much more expensive electrical components from the damaging effects of overcurrent. When too much current flows through the low resistance element of the fuse, the element melts and breaks the circuit.

Can low gas cause car not start?

Low/Empty Gas Tank If you’re someone who likes to drive until your gas gauge is firmly on E, that might be the reason your car won’t start. While it’s inconvenient, it’s a very fixable problem. When your car sits outdoors in the cold winter weather, the air in your gas tank could actually moisten and freeze.

How do you reset ignition switch?

Insert the ignition key and turn it to the on position and then attempt to start the engine (crank over), the engine wont start. With the key still in the run position wait 10 minutes and the security light should blink and then go out. Turn the key off and wait 5 seconds.