Users questions

What is an air puff test?

What is an air puff test?

The eye air puff test is truly what it sounds like: a machine called a tonometer will blow a light puff of air into your eye, while you look into a light. Though quick and painless, the test reveals vital information on the actual pressure your eyes can withstand. This is called your intraocular pressure (IOP).

Is air puff test accurate?

“Puff tonometry” is a good screening test for eye doctors, but can sometimes overestimate pressures. This test is not as accurate as traditional tonometry, but is very sensitive in picking up pressure problems. Many people prefer the air puff test, as no contact is made with the eye.

What is a puff of air?

Noun. 1. puff of air – a short light gust of air. puff, whiff. gust, blast, blow – a strong current of air; “the tree was bent almost double by the gust”

What does blowing air in your eyes do?

The air bounces back to the tonometer and gives the machine a reading of your eye’s intraocular pressure (IOP), or pressure inside the eye. If your eye pressure becomes too high, the delicate nerve fibers in the back of your eye can be damaged, resulting in vision loss.

Why do they test eye pressure?

Tonometry is a quick and simple test that checks the pressure inside your eyes. The results can help your doctor see if you’re at risk for glaucoma. Glaucoma is a disease in which the nerve of the eye (the optic nerve) is gradually damaged over time, resulting in a loss of vision.

Does lack of sleep cause high eye pressure?

Because lack of sleep is detrimental to your health, it can eventually lead to more serious eye problems such as glaucoma. Glaucoma is a condition where too much pressure builds up inside the eye.

Is eye pressure of 28 high?

Most eye doctors treat if pressures are consistently higher than 28-30 mm Hg because of the high risk of optic nerve damage.

Does crying affect your eyes?

This can cause irritation and potentially harm our eyes and in turn, our vision. When we cry, our eyes are actually cleansing themselves which can help to remove these irritants and protect our eyes. In addition, tears contain lysozyme, a powerful anti-bacterial chemical that helps fight infection.