What is a Taraz?

What is a Taraz?

The dress of the Armenians (Armenian: տարազ, taraz;), also known as Armenian traditional clothing, reflects a rich cultural tradition. The collection of Armenian women’s costumes begins during the Urartu time period, wherein dresses were designed with creamy white silk, embroidered with gold thread.

What are some Armenian traditions?

Armenian Traditions and Customs You Should Know

  • Armenians greet each other with a kiss and hold hands.
  • Armenians use the French word for “thank you”
  • It’s OK to ask personal questions.
  • Come hungry when invited to an Armenian family’s home.
  • It’s OK to live with parents.
  • Newborns are only introduced to close family for the first 40 days.
  • Newlyweds often jump over a fire.

What is Armenian culture?

Armenia culture is a rich mixture of flavors, colors, plus outside influences and things that are uniquely Armenian. From the architecture to applied arts, performing arts to literature, culture in Armenia represents the history, lifestyle, aspirations, and beauty of this unique country.

What is the national fruit of Armenia?

Apricot Prunus

What is the national dish of Armenia?


What is Armenia famous for?

Armenia is one of the oldest wine producing country in the world. Armenia is one of the oldest country that has produced wine in the world. It’s attributed to its blessed location of being on the fertile valleys of Mt Ararat where high quality grapes could be grown.

Is Armenia considered Middle Eastern?

Other definitions of the Middle East Due to it primarily being Arabic speaking, the Maghreb region of North Africa is sometimes included. The countries of the South Caucasus—Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia—are occasionally included in definitions of the Middle East.

Is Armenia a Slavic country?

No, Armenians are not Slavic. Armenian forms its own branch of the Indo-European family of languages.

Are Slavs and Serbs the same?

Slavic languages belong to the Indo-European family. Customarily, Slavs are subdivided into East Slavs (chiefly Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians), West Slavs (chiefly Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, and Wends, or Sorbs), and South Slavs (chiefly Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, Slovenes, Macedonians, and Montenegrins).

Is Kosovo part of Serbia?

In the early 20th century Kosovo was incorporated into Serbia (later part of Yugoslavia). Nevertheless, under UN supervision, Kosovo developed the structures of an independent country, and in February 2008 it formally declared independence from Serbia.

Why is Kosovo called Serbia?

Why is Kosovo important for the Serbs? The land of Kosovo is where the Serbian nation started its existence. Some of the holiest shrines of the Serb Orthodox Church are there. The Serbs were defeated by the Ottoman Sultan Murad I in 1389, a battle which is still widely commemorated in Serbia.

Why is Kosovo sacred to Serbs?

Indeed, for the Serbs, Kosovo has long been the symbol of the moral apotheosis of the Serbian people, chosen by God as “the new Israel.” The Battle of Kosovo, on June 28, 1389, which precipitated the conquest of Serbia by the Ottoman Turks, came to be seen as the source of all the misfortune Serbia was to suffer during …

Who sided with Serbia?

On July 28, 1914, one month to the day after Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife were killed by a Serbian nationalist in Sarajevo, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, effectively beginning the First World War.