Users questions

What is a synonym of attribute?

What is a synonym of attribute?

other words for attribute

  • aspect.
  • characteristic.
  • facet.
  • idiosyncrasy.
  • peculiarity.
  • quirk.
  • trait.
  • virtue.

What is the opposite of characteristics?

characteristic(noun) Antonyms: untypical, uncharacteristic. Synonyms: attribute, trademark, quality, typical, representative, distinctive, exclusive, signature, specific, idiosyncratic, indicative, mannerism, idiosyncrasy, trait, tendency.

What are two synonyms for characteristics?


  • attribute, feature.
  • quality, essential quality, property, trait, aspect, element, facet.
  • mannerism, manner, habit, custom, way, mark, trademark, hallmark, distinction.
  • idiosyncrasy, peculiarity, quirk, oddity, foible.
  • penchant, proclivity, bent.

What is another word for characterized?

Characterized Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for characterized?

shown depicted
delineated embodied
epitomizedUS exemplified
mirrored pictured
characterisedUK epitomisedUK

What does characterized mean?

to mark or distinguish as a characteristic; be a characteristic of: Rich metaphors characterize his poetry. to describe the character or individual quality of: He characterized her in a few well-chosen words. to attribute character to: to characterize him as a coward.

What does being characterized mean?

: to describe the character or special qualities of (someone or something) : to be a typical feature or quality of (someone or something) See the full definition for characterize in the English Language Learners Dictionary. characterize.

Is recharacterize a word?

To characterize again or anew.

What is the first step of the training model?

Assess training needs: The first step in developing a training program is to identify and assess needs. Employee training needs may already be established in the organization’s strategic, human resources or individual development plans.

What is a training model?

Most training design models contain five steps. One of the most commonly used models is the ADDIE model, which stands for analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. Analysis stands for needs analysis, where the need for the training is studied.