Users questions

What is a synonym for title?

What is a synonym for title?

SYNONYMS. designation, name, denomination, label, rank, status, office, position. form of address, epithet, style. informal moniker, handle. formal appellation.

What is the opposite of heading?

What is the opposite of heading?

abandoning abdicating
losing relinquishing
renouncing vacating
dropping terminating
ceding desisting

What is the opposite of the word order?

Antonyms: disorderliness, disorder, disarray. Synonyms: society, social club, order of magnitude, methodicalness, rescript, edict, gild, club, parliamentary law, ordination, ordering, purchase order, parliamentary procedure, fiat, guild, rules of order, orderliness, lodge, decree, monastic order.

Is purer a correct word?

Both “purer” and “more pure” are correct. Which one fits best in a particular sentence depends on the surrounding words. For example, if you’re also going to use the superlative, “purer” would pair well with “purest”, but not so well with “most pure” (and the other way round).

What do you call a person who helps the poor?

A philanthropist is a person who gives money or gifts to charities, or helps needy people in other ways. Philanthropy is from Late Latin philanthrōpia, from Greek, from philanthrōpos “humane, kind,” from the prefix phil- plus anthrōpos “man, mankind.”

What is kind and generous?

Generosity refers to someone’s willingness to give help or money, especially more than would be expected. Kind and generous people are altruistic. They will go out of their way to help others. Kind people are also generous but generous people are not always kind.

What does Bible say about generosity?

2 Corinthians 9:6-8 Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

What is the difference between kindness and charity?

For most people they say charity as things like giving some one money, while some thing like holding the door fir someone is considered kindness. She defined charity as doing something for someone in need while kindness is doing something for someone even if they are not.

What exactly is kindness?

Kindness is defined as the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.

What is the difference between generosity and charity?

These definitions seem to suggest that generosity is an act of giving regardless of the existence of need. And charity is focussed on bringing relief to the poor. Generosity is giving because it brings joy. Charity is a compassionate response motivated by love and a desire to improve someone’s condition.